Your Worth is not based on your Relationship Status Let’s be honest, regardless of our own opinions on our relationship status, certain times of year, like the holiday season or St Valentine’s Day, continue to be a very tough time to be single. Whether or not we...
The Science of Love and Epigenetics LOVE is such a broad term and includes romantic love, love in all types of relationships (family, friends, colleagues, even strangers) and love for self (also known as self-love). Self-love is a challenge to most of us. We are so...
Love Lives On ‘Death is the mother of beauty’ Wallace Stevens Everything we know and count on and love is impermanent. That truth crashed down on me in 2008. On an early autumn day that year I learned that my 23-year-old son had died. Though Jordan was...
Walking with the mastersLessons in Love from ThÃch Nhất Hạnh “The first element of true love is loving kindness. The essence of loving kindness is being able to offer happiness. You can be the sunshine for another person. You can’t offer happiness until you have it...
The 10 Commandments of Attraction Do you ever wonder what it is that makes some people attract wonderful opportunities and joy to their lives while we sometimes feel that we are ‘stuck in a rut’ and don’t seem to be able to get there? 1 YOU ATTRACT YOUR THOUGHTS...