2021 Horoscopes

Aries 2021

Your year, Aries, looks a whole lot better than 2020, that’s for sure! This is mainly because of Mars, your ruler, not being retrograde for most of the year like it was over 2020! You can move forward with a sense of purpose and direction, Aries, knowing what you have to do to get ahead!

The beginning of the year is very exciting for you when it comes to manifesting your goals and ideals. Be ready to shake things up in your career and when it comes to your finances. It may be that what you really want to do, professionally, has to change the face of your earnings. Some of this may feel stressful, but overall, it’s setting you free. There’s a powerful new beginning for you financially towards the end of the year, so keep an eye out for developments around that time!


Taurus 2021

This is a better year for you, Taurus – for most of it! Your ruler, Venus, behaves nicely over the year – at least until December! Then, she goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, which may spell a few problems when it comes to love, travel and educational topics.

However, the beginning of the year for you, Taurus, is all about career. You want to break free, do your own thing, but it’s scary. The universe pushes you and there can be sudden changes and bigger responsibility when it comes to your work. You’re the one initiating the changes, as uncomfortable as it feels, Taurus. Your stars promise that this is a good thing for you!

Finally, the end of the year promises a whole change in direction personally for you as well as within your relationships with a powerful lunar eclipse in your sign.


Gemini 2021

Gemini, your outlook for the year 2021 is an interesting one! Mercury, your ruler, goes retrograde three times during the year, all in compatible air signs. This could make things much easier for you than usual, although you may be reviewing and reassessing many of your personal relationships.

There are also three major eclipses in your sign mid-year and towards the end of the year, which promote huge shifts in your relationships. Some of you may be getting engaged whilst others will be letting go of certain relationships. Trust that it’s all for your highest growth, Gemini. Education is also a theme for you, particularly over the early part of 2021. You could enrol for studies, or even go travelling for an extended period of time!

So, with all that said, Gemini, focus on your personal growth. See how much you can expand. Check your facts always and let go of belief systems that no longer serve you.


Cancer 2021

The year ahead for you, Cancer, says that things will feel far less pressured than they did in 2020! 2021 shows sunny skies and full steam ahead, especially when it comes to your relationships! This comes as a relief to you, as your previous year was fraught with tests, losses and crises.

Now, the focus moves into intimacy, sharing and, a large part of it, on money, too. Freeing yourself from debt becomes important and there are some transformations awaiting you when you learn to surrender in general. You’ll be getting help from others, but you have to be responsible with the support you receive! Your readings shift in 2021 and you might find this helps motivate you to pay off loans. Just be prepared for a few surprises, Cancer.

The eclipses highlight your health areas, so both your mental and physical health will become more of a focus. Take care of yourself and shift your lifestyle where you need to, Cancer.


Leo 2021

All the planets shift into your relationships zone for the year 2021, Leo. Your year mainly focused around love and commitment and, for many of you, you’ll be taking the next step in your relationships. If you haven’t met someone yet, this may be your year, Leo! The person you meet could be someone completely out of the ordinary; someone strange, unique and a little weird – be open to it!

For some of you – not many – this year may spell the end of a relationship that you have outgrown. Don’t be scared to let go, Leo. It may be the best thing you can do! Some of you may be facing choices to make when it comes to your friendships and romantic relationships and some new friendships may develop – try to find the balance. Career-wise, changes abound and things stay very exciting, for a long period of time!


Virgo 2021

Things start heating up for you mid-year in 2021, Virgo. This is because Jupiter heads into Pisces, your opposite sign. Heading into your partnership zone, he promises the meeting of spiritual teachers or people who may be helpful to you, as well as the possibility of huge spiritual growth in your relationships. Some of you may meet someone new, with whom you have a soul connection, or deepen your current connection!

The eclipses are also in important areas for you – your home-life and profession – which indicates the importance of finding balance in these parts of life. You may move or have big shifts in your professional life over the months of May, June and December which alter your trajectory, Virgo. Go with the flow – don’t resist!

Lastly, the Mercury retrograde periods delay matters in money and work a few times this year, giving you the opportunity to reflect.


Libra 2021

2020 was a tough year for many of you Libras. 2021 looks a lot more positive and, in some ways, much easier! Some of you may still have some personal ups and downs and individual transformations to be navigated. Generally speaking, however, the changes are good for you! You’ll be taking on a few extra responsibilities and there’s a sense of huge personal expansion.

With Jupiter and Saturn moving through your romance zone, you’ll be either meeting someone quite serious, or some of you may be deciding to have children this year. You may get serious about a passion, structure a hobby or experience more responsibility when it comes to any of your creative projects and/or children. However, there may be a few surprises along the way, especially when it comes to money and debt between you and a lover. Expect to have to cope with a few unexpected changes, Libra.


Scorpio 2021

Scorpio, 2021 is all about your home life. You’re looking at settling down, possibly even moving to a bigger place or buying property. In some ways, there can be a few frustrations and restrictions, but you have to work within your limits and responsibilities. Many of you may have extra family responsibilities and changes to take care of, on top of romantic relationship changes.

It’s possible that you and your partner have to contend with unexpected changes and developments when to comes to cohabiting or your families. Try and work through them as compassionately as possible, Scorpio. As Jupiter heads into Pisces, a new love may bloom in your life, and you’re feeling spiritually and creatively inspired.

Lastly, there’s a big lunar eclipse towards the end of the year that has you thinking whether or not to let go of – or strengthen – the connections in your life.


Sagittarius 2021

Jupiter is the planet to watch for 2021, Sagittarius. He’s entering a stronger sign, the sign of Aquarius, over the course of the year, which means lots of growth when it comes to your education and possibly a little bit of travel. You could be making some great new connections with the community around you and many of you will be learning new things and structuring your knowledge.

The eclipses mid-year are also very important for you, Sagittarius, particularly when it comes to your personal relationships. Many of you may be taking that next step, whilst others among you may realise that this isn’t really working for you. You always have a positive outlook and you know that things happen for a good reason.

As Jupiter then heads into your home zone, he offers the chance to grow your home, move somewhere wonderful and experience positive shifts in your family environment.


Capricorn 2021

2020 was a doozy for you, Capricorn. It was tough! 2021 does promise an easier time of things, although you may miss the immense growth and tests that came your way. You’re all grown up now and you’ve learnt so much. This year is about boosting your finances and taking responsibility for making your skills turn into money.

Jupiter can help you boost yourself financially, whilst Saturn teaches discipline. Sometimes there may not be very much and you may need to be prepared for a shock or two throughout the year. This comes from your relationships or a creative project – or maybe just from having too much of a good time!

Venus goes retrograde in your sign at the end of the year, which gives you an extended period of romance in your life, also helping you to draw anything to you that you desire! And finally, Capricorn, your work life needs to be balanced with your spiritual life – make that effort.


Aquarius 2021

This is a big year for you, Aquarius! Saturn, your traditional ruler, as well as Jupiter, head into your sign to stay throughout the year. This means immense personal growth in 2021 and lots of extra responsibility. You are being challenged to step into your authority, whilst at the same time embracing opportunity! This is a great year for starting your own business.

Big lifestyle changes also come, as well as changes to your essential identity. You’re going to figure out who you are, Aquarius, and learn to take responsibility in a more adult way. The beginning of the year is a wild one for you and freedom will be a big theme on your mind. You want to stand out from the crowd – so go head. New friends may also be made in the process. Home changes also seem on the horizon and sudden changes happen here, which ultimately affect where you’re going in life.


Pisces 2021

Pisces, this year can be lovely for you, particularly from the middle of the year, when your traditional ruler, Jupiter, heads into your sign. He drifts out and back in, showing where the growth is likely to happen. Opportunities come your way, Pisces, and the spiritual growth potential is big!

Your career and home-life also look set to change over 2021, with the eclipses in the middle of the year and the end of the year. You may move home or experience drastic career and family changes over these times, so, as always, go with the flow and don’t hold on too tightly. These are simply the universe’s way of accelerating you on the path you’re supposed to be on. With Saturn and Jupiter spending time in Aquarius too, there will be plenty of endings in your life and you’ll be doing a major inward journey of transformation and letting go.

Margarita Celeste

Astrology has been my passion ever since I can remember . When I think back to my younger years, I recall always knowing people’s Star sign, sometimes remembering that before I could think of their name! Linda Goodman, famous 60’s astrology write, was my “gateway drug” into this mysterious and ever fascinating world, and I pored over her magical words, feeling a deep resonation in what seemed to be able to explain myself to me . https://margaritaceleste.com/

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