Live gently, kinder and consciously with Odyssey Magazine est. 1977
Kindness is timeless. With life-enhancing content Odyssey Magazine is targeted at the conscious individual pursuing, or who would like to pursue, a more conscious and carbon-neutral lifestyle.
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Blissexology: 10 things most people don’t know about Sexual Energy
Full rest is essential to aligned sexual energy. “Stopping, calming and resting are preconditions for healing,” (Thich Nhat Hanh) It’s also often more essential than anything else when wanting to...
A Choice to Transform
Mental health during the transition of human consciousness: Time of transformation 10.10 - Now until early 2025.Our DNA evolving into 24 chromosomal pairs and the spiritual portal is opening. We...
Abundance Threshold
Consider abundance thresholds. Points along the wealth quest where you need to cross over a boundary, a resistance, sometimes a whole way of being and looking at the world, leaving the known for...
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In the almost five decades of phenomenal change, we have seen print plates become digital systems and we have seen print come and print go and right now, like vinyl, print is making a gargantuan comeback. Digital platforms, however, are still rocking our world. Access our APP on your device by clicking on the Google Play or Apple App Store prompts below.
Winter 2025 is our 250th Edition. Thank you for taking us to this pivotal edition.
- Our multiplatform approach ensures maximum coverage across print, digital, apps and online formats.
- Global and local readers download the Odyssey App and get their magazine on Google Play or Apple App Stores.
- Odyssey is distributed to the wellness tourism sector: SAA in-flight magazine, airport lounges and ‘Wellness Within’.
- All adverts are placed on the web-based eZine immediately and splashed on social media for increased visibility.
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Mindful Media Publishing (PTY) LTD
REG. 2018 / 581347 / 07
11 Russell Mellick Road, Umtentweni, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
P.O Box 21505, Umtentweni, KwaZulu-Natal, 4235
Contact Us
Editor: Debra Robins
Cell: +27 (0)82 875 2985