The world needs conscious, skilled, and open-hearted humans to bring about greater consciousness in this time of chaos: an it is also a growing edge for us all. Integral+ Practitioner Coaches can meet clients at several levels of growth and utilize powerful lenses through which to do the work. The I+PC Programme prepares students to first
- Engage in a deep dive, to know oneself better, then to
- Unlearn and re-learn in a conscious intentional way to becoming their highest possible selves
- Access the best- known maps of human experience and consciousness through which to more accurately attune themselves to their lives and that of their client’s
- Work within the relational frame of ‘I am because we are’: a universal truth from our African philosophy of Ubuntu – as a lived practice
- Critically evaluate ways of being and doing to come closer to what it truly means to be fully human
- Learn the exquisite skills and competencies of coaching across multiple levels of adult growth and development
- Work within their learning cohort to grow insight into group dynamics and systemic frames
- Ultimately, to listen, ask good questions, be comfortable with silence, be present, and to enable the storied self to rise in a way that brings forth wisdom and discernment for impact
- Become accredited with the International Coaching Federation or our local COMENSA
- Use the IPCP as an entry to a Master’s degree in Coaching and Mentoring
- Do Human Better®
The Coaching Centre: Integral Africa, has 19 years of experience in pioneering, innovating and crafting the current coaching and integral world. Our flagship Integral+ Practitioner Coach (IPCP) training programme has seen hundreds of students undergo a multi-dimensional journey towards becoming a professional coach, becoming a better leader, and to becoming more fully human.
A past student said: ‘My husband has said the IPCP is the best thing that has happened to our family’. This gives an indication of the impact the journey has when you do your own personal work, and it’s framed in a unique form that can hold a transformational journey, while both stretching and supportive.  The impact is far reaching into families, relationships, workplace and of course the world.  When we say – we want to change the world towards a thriving, awakened state in which our humanness is cultivated through the body, mind, heart and soul, we mean it.
Our work is experienced in business, higher education, health, government, and NPO’s both locally and internationally. We start from acupuncture points that offer a way into reclaiming our essential health and goodness by finding ways in which to work with each other in more compassionate, accountable, courageous and mindful ways.
Integral Africa is grounded in an integration of western mind, eastern spirit, and southern body, with the emergence of the ‘other part’ of the world that is Africa, the heart. All of us are always in relationship, and as David Whyte the poet, states: the conversation is the relationship and we need to have the conversations that are at the edge of our known reality, for it is there that we will find ourselves and discover what we can be.
TCC:IA works in organisations offering executive and middle management executive development and coaching; team coaching; strategy development; culture change; leadership maturity – adult development work, conflict management, diversity and inclusion processes, deep democracy, as well as the Maturity Assessment Profiles; Enneagram workshops (profiles) and coaching; emotional intelligence and many more.
Our motto: #dohumanbetter