How to make your soul smile and your heart sing

by | Featured Articles, Print Articles, Spiritual Living, Spring 2024

The morning winter sun dappled the landscape, as we drove past the verdant sugar cane fields… our destination the Salt Rock Hotel in Ballito on the KZN North Coast, the Zulu Kingdom. The event, the Smiling Soul Retreat with Brett Shuttleworth. The anticipation mounting.

On arrival we meandered through a row of Alexander palms, down a pathway lined by lush green jungle-like vegetation, to be met in the lobby by the warmth of the Smiling Soul Creations team and immediately felt at ease and so very welcome. As we all arrived the gentle chatter became an excited din as we registered and then moved on to a patio overlooking, in all likelihood, the most beautiful beach and tidal pools on the KZN coast. The Deva Premal and Mitten rendition of ‘There is So Much Magnificence Near the Ocean’ played in the recordings of mind as it sang along, “waves are rolling in, waves are rolling in…” resulting in waves of joy permeating my entire being.

Perhaps at this time it would be pertinent to mention that I am clairaudient, which means ‘clear hearing’ and is one of the eight primary psychic senses. The answers to my questions sent out into the cosmos are often sent back via the lyrics of a song stuck in my head.

It was time for orientation. We all ambled across the road to the talk venue, being the County Club. Brett was standing there to greet us, personally, with a warm hug and a heartfelt personal interaction and, although the retreat facilitated 50 persons, I felt unique and special. This motivator, consciousness teacher and adventurer had already won us over.

The logo in the slide up on the screen had a by-line ‘Discover your Truth’ and the question on the screen read: ‘If love is the ultimate success would you start anew?’… That got spirit on the go and Bob Marley’s ‘One Love’ belted out in my head. We worked together as a group, setting our intentions and were introduced to Brett’s Seven Sacred Miracles, which would form an integral part of the retreat over the three days. Am I going to share those with you? … No, this is something you need to experience yourself.

The purpose is ‘to work towards living a life of love and inspiration every single day of your life beyond the retreat’.  Each sacred miracle was presented powerfully. Day one included Sacred Miracles one and two: INTEGRITY and MASTERPIECE.

As day one drew to a close I noticed retreatants who were as strung out as an over-tightened guitar string, begin to relax – moving away from what they outwardly presented on arrival, more along the lines of what and how they would like to carry – and showcase – not only their humanity but also their divinity. Our final session was a sharing session on the beach as the sun set over the Indian Ocean, Brett gave of himself, guiding the group assisted by an incredible support team of beautiful humans always there and holding space.

Is Brett the ‘real deal’? People ask me!  Unequivocally YES!
Brett is one of the most connected humans I have ever worked with or walked beside; his love disarming, his humanity endearing and his coaching right up there with the best of the best. Real and authentic, this is no showman, only a beautiful human who walked a hard and challenging path until in searching he discovered his truth, his path and his passion. He shared the journey with humour, a glint in the eye, bold honesty and total acceptance and reverence for life and his personal journey, which we share on pages 8-10 in the Spring 2023 Edition of Odyssey Magazine with Brett on the cover; the article is titled ‘Brett Shuttleworth, Master of the Free, an Awakening Story of Love ‘.

The DigiMag can be accessed on this link

Excerpt The journey of oneness and love:
Brett’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of love and the profound impact it can have on every aspect of our lives. He reminds us that we are enough and that the search for happiness lies within us. Through his inspirational quotes and teachings, he invites us to open our hearts, let go of ego-driven desires and connect with the love that resides within us all. He is the love that lives within us. And everybody knows exactly what it is. Everybodys looking for the same thing. Some people call it this. Some people call it that. It doesn’t matter what you call it. Its the feeling youre looking for, of ‘ok-ness’ about life and about ourselves.

Our whole spiritual transformation brings us to the point where we realise that, in our own being, we are enough, says Brett


Brett Shuttleworth’s remarkable journey from farm-boy to spiritual teacher is an awakening story of love, transformation and the pursuit of a higher consciousness. His unwavering commitment to changing lives and creating a ripple of love inspires individuals from all walks of life to embrace their greatness and live authentically. By immersing ourselves in Brett’s teachings, we are guided to rediscover our true essence, find inner peace and make a profound impact on the world around us.

On to day two, which started with a ‘Secret Sunrise’ on the beach, a guided dance which celebrates the morning sunrise. Talented instructors, silent headphones and the most epic way to start a day…  I was blown away! This heralded the day in the most powerful way as we delved into Sacred Miracles three and four, GRATITUDE, BALANCE and LETTING GO the overarching themes as Randy Crawford’s ‘I’ve Never Been to Me’ dominated my head space. The truth of a life – many moons ago – and my ‘realisation that ‘I’d been to paradise, but I’d never been to me’ and waves of gratitude and grace overwhelmed me in that moment. And with the words below in my head… I understood the powerful changes I had witnessed in myself but also evidenced in so many of our fellow retreatants.

“Hey lady, you, lady, cursin’ at your life.
You’re a discontented mother and a regimented wife.
I’ve no doubt you dream about the things you’ll never do.
But I wish someone had a talked to me like I wanna talk to you

Ooh I’ve been to Georgia and California, anywhere I could run.
Took the hand of a preacher man and we made love in the sun.
But I ran out of places and friendly faces because I had to be free,
I’ve been to paradise, but I’ve never been to me.”

I fell to my knees on the beach in our free time and gave thanks, for my life, my husband, my home and my children, my grandies, a fulfilling business and a million other things… honouring all of them in the me, in the I now and the part of my paradise that they share in.

“You see you don’t get grace, grace gets you!” Debra Stevens-Robins

The energy was beyond words as day became night and as I set off to my piece of paradise for an important gathering of the clans. My colleague Quinton participated in the Manifesting Diary Segment and attended the ‘Clear your Mind’ meditation, later enjoying the cleansing power of fire at a bonfire under African sky and a ‘Letting Go’ fire ceremony

On day three, everything seemed to change gears, as Quinton recalls:

“The first two days of the retreat sparked a powerful shift in the way participants see themselves and the world around them. This experience has opened a door to a new perspective – one that helps you step back from the constant swirl of thoughts and emotions and tap into what I’ve been calling the higher self or cosmic perceiver.

At first, it was a bit of a challenge to be fully present – most of us are so used to being carried away by our thoughts. But as we worked through the wisdoms and practices up to this point, something lifted and the realisation that we are neither our thoughts nor our emotions, set in.

Instead, there’s a quieter awareness, separate from it all, that can watch what’s happening without getting caught up in it. For many, this was a breakthrough moment – realising that the conscious person can be aware of the thoughts, emotions and demands of the ego, without being part of the conversation.

Sacred Miracle five, INTEGRITY, spoke to the execution of our commitments to personal wellbeing and growth. Having realised how the ego steers us away from this goal, the importance of our word over our whims was once again an empowering paradigm. Integrity is more than just sticking to promises; it’s about aligning our actions with our values and the change we wish to effect in our lives.

Thereafter, in Sacred Miracle six, HUMOUR. Laughter, as we learned, is an incredible tool for drowning out the ego, allowing us to take ourselves less seriously and in doing so, we reveal our true beauty. The return to joy as a default setting so depends on this realisation. And of course, we LAUGHED. Such profound belly-splitting and eye-watering laughter that cleansed the soul in a very real way.

This gave rise to a near constant conversation about how these shifts in perception allowed us to see the bigger picture and connect with the idea that we’re all part of something larger. The tools and insights we have gained here will be used long after the retreat ends, helping to navigate life with more ease, grace and glory.”

“A smile as we know it, is but the facial expression of a soul that thrives and loves.”  Quinton O’ Dwyer.

Day three Sacred Miracles were followed by ‘Integrate your Masterpiece’ with immersion in a HoJo Japanese martial arts sword-fighting and meditation session.

RELAX! The swords are made of wood! This form of martial art was developed by monks in Japan in defending their monasteries. HoJo enables the mind to break through its limitations no matter what the circumstances. It harnesses the ability to concentrate on – and act in oneness with – one’s surroundings. It is about trust and personal growth.

Sacred Miracle seven, LOVE, concluded this life-changing event.

As I write this ,Whitney Houston’s ’Where do Broken Hearts Go’ fills every receptive part of my mind….
Where do broken hearts go?
Can they find their way home
Back to the open arms
Of a love that’s waiting there?
My message, confirmation of the final message in our South African Retreat workbook that his love that we seek is and has always been there, the love we yearn for yearns for us.

Dearest Smiling Soul Participant
From the deepest part of my heart and on behalf of our team, I thank you for the most amazing time. May you be blessed on your beautiful life’s journey… I stand for your greatness

Brett Shuttleworth

On my bucket list the next level of the Smiling Soul Retreat in Rishikesh, India, at the base of the Himalayas, with both Brett and Rupali.

Would we recommend a Smiling Soul Retreat?
Absoludle! You are worth it!
The programme we attended includes:
– Setting goals and intentions
– Seven Sacred Miracles
– Deepening of your awareness:
Problem solving
Becoming the observer NOT the observed.
– Deepening of your truth:
Spiritual affirmations
Person success affirmations
Monetary success affirmations

This retreat reminded us of small poem by 14th century Persian Sufi poet Hafiz:
“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being”

Thank you, Thank you, Thank You – We walk in gratitude!
Honouring Brett Shuttleworth and the most beautiful beings who assisted him both on-site in KZN and off-site: Mark Fraser-Grant, Joy Harrow, Venetia Howes, Greg Coote and our Retreats Angel Rupali Mahendra.

“God is love and only love. To be love is to be God…” Brett Shuttleworth

Retreats schedule can be found on this link:
To find out more:
