The Mind’s Role in Achieving True Freedom

by | Print Articles, Spiritual Living, Spring 2024

In a world bustling with noise and distraction, the quest for inner peace often feels like an elusive dream. Peace is something I think about daily and there are many times in my life when I feel that peace has also eluded me and that discontent causes inner turmoil. However, within each of us lies the potential to unlock a deeper sense of freedom that transcends the chaos of material existence. Easier said than done though – and it’s a journey in and of itself and not an easy one to embark on. Life on this side of life is less than peaceful and the world is in a dire state. All down to man’s incessant failure to root himself in his spiritual nature.

As we dive into the heart of our minds, we discover that we are not merely functional organs, but the mind is a profound powerhouse that shapes our reality. In fact, to make it plain.

“Your mind is the psychological building blocks of your reality.”

Understanding true freedom begins with recognising that it is not merely the absence of limitations, but an intricate dance between perception, expectation and our inner landscapes. By cultivating a mind free from the shackles of societal pressures, we can begin to see the world as it is, not as we are taught to interpret it. This journey leads us to embrace principles that foster resilience and creativity, guiding us to navigate through life’s adversities.

I want to take a moment to remember – and to ignite what we already know exists within. From my own personal experiences and battle with inner peace and journeying within, we will journey together and unravel the complexities of freedom, the interconnectedness of our thoughts and how a compassionate understanding of our mental landscapes can pave the way for a more fulfilling existence. This is something I fight with every day. Even though I have a good spiritual foundation, the quest for my own inner peace can feel illusive at times too.

The search for inner peace

The quest for inner peace is a journey that begins and ends within us. It’s the kind of inner freedom that can only be attained when we understand the power of the mind in creating our reality and overcoming adversities.

I often espouse that experience trumps theory and I have spent a great deal of my time arguing with academics who base life upon theory and data. This includes that illusive search for peace. It’s a simple truth that peace comes not just from conquering external struggles, but from mastering the internal conversations that shape our responses to life’s challenges. Experience will always defeat theory because experiences are brought on by our minds and how our mind creates our reality. More about that later.

Personal freedom is also about making a conscious choice. However, that choice will never come into existence without having a deep sense of awareness. We choose which thoughts to entertain and which to let go of – a self-empowerment that reflects our understanding of human nature and its potential for resilience. Victor Frankl, a paragon of the dream of freedom, exemplified this freedom of mind even in the direst of circumstances.

To achieve inner peace, we must face our fears head-on, reframing them as opportunities. It’s not an easy path – it’s a spiritual practice and it is one that we must continue to practise until it becomes one within us. However, this requires us to break the shackles we create for ourselves and the prison that we self-create. That prison that is self-created has caused so much suffering as we stare through its window longing to be free and have no realisation that we always had the key. But the meaning of freedom according to this inner journey is the ultimate liberation, an autonomy that fosters a sense of immense happiness and wellbeing. Perhaps the better explanation can be summed up by Paramahansa Yogananda who coined the phrase ‘self-realisation.’

What is this freedom we chase?

True freedom emerges from within, a simple truth often forgotten. It is a type of freedom that transcends our tangible experiences, allowing us to embrace life’s ebb and flow without the burden of personal preferences. This profound understanding of oneself and human nature is the cornerstone of true freedom. It is self-realisation of who we are in mind and soul.

Therefore, it is a conscious process after awareness, an internal conversation that requires contemplation and the deliberate choice to observe and redirect one’s thoughts, fostering the resilience to approach all of life’s adversities with grace.

Key aspects of inner spiritual freedom:

  • Awareness: Observing one’s mental patterns to shape a better reality.
  • Acceptance: Accepting that which comes up in thought from mind.
  • Choice: Embracing the responsibility to select empowering action to transform and create into being that which is true.

The philosopher Victor Frankl, who pondered deeply on the freedom of mind and human potential, illustrated through his own experiences that amidst harsh conditions, the dream of freedom burns eternally, fuelled by the quest for meaning. This quest often leads to immense happiness, as it acknowledges that personal freedom and positive freedom hinge on one’s attitudes rather than one’s circumstances.

In essence, freedom is the power we hold as creators of our lives, unchained from material perceptions and external expectations. It is through spiritual practice and self-inquiry that we achieve complete freedom, one that blooms from the inside out.

The mind as the powerhouse of reality

Our minds possess an incredible capacity to shape our reality and sense of personal freedom. In fact, every experience in our life, whether it is felt or directly tangible, comes from the mind. Everything that is created into existence first comes from thought and mind creates thought. Mind is also not in the brain, but the brain is an expression of the mind. The brain only exists because the mind allows it or has given it expression.

Its power exists in the space between where silence is in itself a great teacher and power of thought. This is the seat of our intuition, the inner power and guidance that come forth to allow us to experience consciousness and the power of choice. It is not governed by circumstances.

The type of freedom we all dream of isn’t a destination; it’s a manner of travelling through life. By untangling from the bonds of negative thought patterns and attachments, we journey towards a complete freedom that illuminates our true self and ignites the creative force within us. Moreover, this starts with understanding three simple truths of universal law, principles of existence if you will.

Three principles

In the journey to attain true freedom, one must delve into the profound simplicity of the three principles: Mind, consciousness and thought. These three principles were first brought into mind and expressed through a Scotsman named Sydney Banks, who brought these principles forth after his own awakening experience. These are the cornerstones to understanding personal freedom as an internal state that can revolutionise our existence.

Mind: The ultimate source of wisdom and creation; it fuels our awareness of the world. Recognising the mind as a constant, yet immensely powerful origin of reality is fundamental to personal transformation.

Consciousness: Is life’s way of experiencing the world and its manifestation from mind. It is how we experience being aware of self and experience of life. When we understand that our interpretation of life is made real by our consciousness, we can then choose the narrative that serves us best, one that aligns with a sense of being free.

Thought: Our internal conversations, the architects of our reality. By grasping that thoughts become things and are transient in nature. They are immensely powerful building blocks of our reality and experience.

Therefore, freedom, according to this simple truth, dwells in our ability to surrender to these forces of human nature – mind, consciousness and thought.

Perceptions and expectations

The journey to true freedom is a profound exploration inward, much more than a quest for external liberties. It requires a compassionate understanding that freedom comes from within, an understanding that we, as sentient beings, possess the power to transcend the weight of societal expectations and the rigorous standards we often impose on ourselves.

True freedom is not a simple matter of making choices in isolation but of embracing the complete freedom that resides in our mental and spiritual landscape. By engaging in spiritual practice and nurturing our internal conversations, we delve into the type of freedom that aligns with our human nature – one that encourages immense happiness and an authentic sense of self.


In order to move from our awareness and to ignite the spiritual power that exists within us, it is important to become aware of the interconnectedness of all things. When I had my near-death experience, I immediately felt this truth because of the experience of being interconnected with all that existed.

The essence of interconnectedness lies in the gentle realisation that there exists no separation from anything, no matter if it is inanimate or animate. The qualities in others which stir our aversions are often reflections of aspects within ourselves needing attention and transformation.

This awareness not only fosters compassion but also carves a path to a shared understanding of human nature, binding us in unity. We are therefore more the same than we are different and the same animating force that gives life exists in all things. Without this animating force, we do not exist and cannot exist.

In our relentless pursuit of desires, it is easy to turn a blind eye to the present – a moment brimming with potential and simple truth. It is here, in the now, that we find the seeds of immense happiness, not in the external world which frequently shifts and sways outside our control.

Interconnectedness confirms that true freedom, a complete freedom, cannot be fettered by the external. It’s an ever-present spiritual practice, inviting us to embrace the burden of freedom by recognising and nurturing our internal reality. It’s in this recognition that we dream of freedom, and more importantly, we live it. The greatest freedom also comes from the experience of serving our fellow beings in service without condition. This is also eloquently summed up by the great Nelson Mandela, when he said:

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”

Achieving freedom within

In achieving this type of freedom, spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, contemplation and selfless service serve as keys that unlock the door to freedom within. Why, because freedom within is rooted in spirituality and without it, one cannot feel free. These keys enable us to find stillness in the storm, allowing for complete freedom from the mental chatter that often binds us. In the silence of the mind is the power of creation. This silence is where we can experience immense happiness that is not dependent on material possessions or external validation. In writing this article, I am reminded of the power I have to find peace within, because it is not external. I recognise that from my thoughts comes the power of choice to choose the level of experience that brings me inner peace and all of this comes from within the spirit. In short, you have the power to be free, for real freedom comes from within and from within is where the mind creates your reality.

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Jock Brocas is a renowned evidential spiritual medium, best-selling author and respected paranormal researcher. With an unwavering commitment to authenticity, Jock blends his rich spiritual experiences with extensive scholarly study, inspiring thousands across the globe. His intuitive abilities and dedication to truth have fuelled his popular books, such as Deadly Departed and Powers of the Sixth Sense. Jock uses his deep understanding of the afterlife to support those grieving, providing comfort through afterlife education. An influential figure in his field, Jock continues to captivate audiences with his fascinating insights into the spiritual realm and the unexplored corners of the human psyche. His work reshapes our understanding of life, death and what lies beyond, offering us a unique lens into the extraordinary.