Given that the body does all the healing when your environment is right, it is best to choose a health tonic that heals naturally.
The body responds to its habitual patterns and you are the driving force to a healthy or unhealthy body by your actions alone; by this I mean it is time for you to reflect on your daily habits and begin to design your future self and the way you would like to feel by the choices you make in each moment going forward. If you’re happy with how your body feels then the choices you have made up till now have obviously been good choices. If, however, you’re sitting on the fence and have realised that something must change, then it would be wise to recognise that you and you alone have the power to change your daily habits. Finding the best solution can sometimes be a daunting task but, in truth, this task will set you free from your suffering.
When choosing a health tonic, one should have a look at the healing properties of all the ingredients within it and see if they will have a positive effect on your body and give you the desired outcome you’re looking for. Bear in mind that no health tonic will cure you but rather aid you in your healing process; everything then comes down to the choices we make moment by moment in each day. Everything you consume is either fighting disease or healing it and you are making those decisions daily by what you feed your body, what you are drinking and how much physical exercise you are doing. A health tonic that heals naturally should not be filled with sugars and preservatives for that matter, as those items are counterproductive to healing in the body. So, choose wisely when deciding what you would like to achieve and how quickly you would like to see your results.
Don’t be fooled by any health tonic claiming that this health tonic is good for energy but rather understand how your body works and then choose your health tonic accordingly.
When your body is healthy you will have childlike energy and have all the power you need to get through your day, but claiming that your health tonic gives you energy would be like saying I can make a fire without any wood. A health tonic is designed to heal the body naturally and to remove the toxins out of the body that are slowing us down or giving us the perceived idea of pain or feeling lethargic.
Your body uses calories for energy and that can come in many forms, ie carbohydrates, fats and proteins. People often tell you that their health tonic gives them all the energy they need to get through the day but, in truth, they have started making better choices for their body and that is giving them the energy they need to get through the day. Exercising your body, eating food with life in it, fasting one meal a day and taking some time out of your busy schedule to do a nature walk will give you more energy. Drinking a health tonic will cleanse your body and aid you in removing the parts of yourself that are keeping you feeling sluggish. A great analogy would be how often do you service your car? Most people will say when the lights on the dash go on, but how often do you see a person screaming down the highway with smoke billowing from their exhaust? We humans do the same; we push our bodies too hard and then wonder why we are out of balance or in a state of dis-ease.
Given that we have been misinformed for most of our life by our monkey see monkey do attitude, most of the people you meet will be searching for answers to their problems and generally they will take advice from a friend or from an article they read. If you look up the meaning of tonic in the Oxford dictionary, the definition is A MEDICINAL SUBSTANCE TAKEN TO GIVE A FEELING OF VIGOUR OR WELLBEING. If a tonic is loaded with caffeine or sugar or any form of stimuli it will give you a short-lived moment of relief or energy but it will not serve your desired goals which is to feel amazing all the time. A health tonic drink is something that will enter your body. It may or may not taste very good but it will move through the body relieving you of pain; it will create a healthy environment and naturally heal your body from within. The ingredients of a health tonic are plentiful as we have the whole of Mother Nature to choose from and thousands of years’ practice healing our bodies. A health tonic should be taken daily or as prescribed by your doctor or dietician; it should also be taken in conjunction with a proper diet and exercise for best results.
Natural Elixir was born out of necessity and first used to heal its founder who was given six weeks to live from a medical doctor in 2010. Since then Brett Austin has been studying plants and their healing abilities and helping many other people heal themselves naturally as well.
When we look at the ingredients of Natural Elixir, we see the myriad of healing benefits each plant has on offer for the mix of natural healing and what they bring to the party. Put them together and you have a healing tonic that surpasses them all. One is able to grasp this fact after the very first shot. Natural Elixir ingredients have been selected for their healing properties and how well they work within the body to assist in healing our internal organs collectively and to aid in the removal of toxins and carcinogens from the body. Natural Elixir, because of its high demand, is made fresh; it has no preservatives barring the natural preservatives found within the plants and the sea salt used.
Taking control of your own personal health is imperative in this new world driven by profit and the best way you can achieve perfect health is by learning more about the human body, how you should eat food, what foods you should eat and what foods you should never eat, how and when to fast, water consumption and basic exercise. We should all learn more about nutrition. BUY ONLINE: