Alkaline diets can be the answer to a peaceful existence

by | Holistic Living, Print Articles, Winter 2023

We are what we eat. What if the choice of sustenance we choose as a species determines the way we live with each other and in relation to our planet? Many studies have implied that certain emotions can cause an acidic effect on our body. As detox specialists and healers, we do observe the emotional changes taking place when someone is healing, how acidic emotions like anger, lack of empathy, jealousy, fear, frustration and grief make way for joy, peace, love, excitement and patience. If acidic emotions are exacerbated by an acidic body and an acidic body is created by what we eat, drink, think and feel, there might be much more to an alkaline diet than we ever realised before.

Most of us resonate with the notion that we are multi-dimensional entities being connected to this three-dimensional human body vehicle in this now. This body vehicle of ours thus is bound to the laws of the 3D plane, the laws of chemistry and physics woven so intricately into the tapestry of this planetary life-experience. As a Spiritual entity, it would be wise then to observe the laws of chemistry and physics when choosing the foods to transmute into energy. Let us take some time to explore the elements of chemistry and physics in relation to our choice of food, the different digestive processes that foods instigate and the chemical and physical result that food has on the human body.

Acidity and alkalinity
The two main categories of chemistry on this planet are acidic elements and alkaline elements, the periodic table consists of roughly 25% acidic elements and 75% alkaline elements. When observing a healthy biome on this planet, we notice that there are more alkaline elements than acidic elements, which seems to be the perfect homeostasis to sustain life. The choice of our foods should be of such a nature to keep this homeostasis to cultivate a healthy body-vehicle. There is more to consider than just the acidity or alkalinity of foods. Certain foods might be acidic, like our beloved citrus fruits, yet they instigate an alkaline digestive process that leaves an alkaline ash in the body after digestion.

Simple structured food like raw fruits and vegetables, be it alkaline or acidic, instigate an alkaline digestive process, starting with the enzymes in the saliva. Mixed with plant material when chewed, the food and enzymes make their way to the stomach, where the stomach simply plays the role of a holding bag, allowing this digestion to complete. This is an extremely energy-efficient digestive process.

An acidic digestive process is necessary when food of a complex structure is consumed. This includes food like meat, dairy, grains, legumes, pulses, beans, nuts, complex sugars, complex fats etc. When these foods are consumed, the stomach, pancreas, small intestines and the liver need to produce enzymes, acids and bile to assist with the digestive process. Acids are produced and released by the body in the solar plexus, every time such complex foods are consumed. This is quite an energy-intensive digestive process. The energy spent by these organs and glands needs to be replenished, using energy that could have been applied for cellular regeneration instead.

Food combination clearly plays a huge role when the chemistry of food is considered. What happens if simple structured foods like plants (most fruits and raw vegetables) are consumed in combination with complex foods like grains or animal products? The alkaline digestive process will be instigated in the mouth, but as soon the complex structured foods hit the stomach wall, the acidic digestive process is instigated and these acidic enzymes nullify the alkaline enzymes, leaving the plant material undigested. The plant material then ferments instead of digesting, leaving alcohol and complex sugar in its wake, instead of nutritive simple sugars (fuel), amino acids, fatty acids and minerals, derived from fruit and raw veggies.

The final element of chemistry we need to consider when we choose the food we want to make use of for sustenance, is the kind of ash the food leaves behind after digestion. It can either be an acid ash, or an alkaline ash. What does the ash refer to? The ash left behind after the digestion process is the compound left after the carbohydrates (fuel) have been used by the cells. These could be useful compounds or toxic compounds, which will have different effects on the body.

Interstitial constipation; the root of all diseases
If one consumes too much complex structured food for too long, the acidic digestive process and acid ash left behind by these foods eventually renders the lymphatic fluid acidic. This is the fluid that makes up almost 80 per cent of the fluids in the human body and it surrounds every cell of the human body. The main function of this fluid is to remove the (acidic) metabolic wastes of our body cells and to deal with the non-usable ash left by the digestive process. All man-named diseases sprout from being interstitially constipated, meaning the lymphatic fluid in between the cells are congested, acidic, becoming less fluid-like and more stagnant. The kidney cells, being surrounded with this sticky mass, will stop functioning, which means some of your biggest and most important elimination organs that are supposed to filter the lymphatic fluid stop doing so. This in turn allows the lymphatic fluid to become even more congested, eventually crystalising into stones and becoming completely ineffective in removing the metabolic waste of cells. We all know what a baby’s bottom looks like when his nappy is not changed. This rash is what happens to our cells when they are surrounded by their own acidic waste in this thick substance called a congested lymphatic fluid. Other words for this are acidosis, inflammation and man-named diseases ending with an -itis. When you are acidic, this condition changes the electromagnetic energy of the body, which causes increased thermal energy and ionisation. This damages the tissues throughout your body, creating cascading conditions named diseases by mainstream medical practitioners.

Stimulated energy vs dynamic energy
Certain food stimulates glands and provides stimulated energy, which renders the glands dysfunctional over time and after the stimulation, leaves a vacuum of energy, forcing the host to consume more stimulating foods for energy. It is a short-lived energy. Dynamic energy is when high quality food with a high electromagnetic load is consumed and the food is digested, absorbed and utilised well, delivering nutrients and fuel to the cell which converts it to energy, rendering each cell dynamic with its own energy. This is a long-lasting energy. When you eat foods picked fresh from nature and eat them without cooking or processing them, the high electromagnetic energy of that food is transferred to your body and its cells.

You are what you eat
That which you consume, the electromagnetic energy of foods you eat or drink and the electromagnetic energy of your thoughts and emotions, becomes the summation of your overall electromagnetic energy, and thus your level of awareness. Envision a regenerated human species with an alkaline make-up and an increased awareness – wouldn’t this be the ultimate collective guardian of this beautiful planet and her kingdoms?

Heleen Elizabeth is a detox specialist, herbalist, on-line coach, food activist and a speaker. She facilitates on-line detoxes and workshops on her platform Anouthen Infinite Wellness, teaching this radical healing protocol and supporting humans as they go through their healing events. She is one of the Transformational Speakers at the KwaZulu Spirit Festival – catch her Sunday morning the 23rd of July at 9am whnshe will talk about Radical Cellular Regeneration. At the Anouthen stall she will have her self-designed herbal formulas available and do Live Iridology readings. Connect with her via WhatsApp 078 537 8908 or find her on-line –; @anouthen_infinite_wellness on Instagram; @anouthen on Facebook