Meet Animal Communicator Extraordinaire Enid Fox

 “We are all born with an ability to communicate – though we don’t always understand the communication. As children, we could all tap into animals and nature and could understand them. However, as we became influenced by the greater world, we were encouraged to follow its mechanical routes rather than our intuitive ones. Animals help us to reconnect to this gift through re-connecting to our gift of intuition. And the more we work with our intuition, the stronger it gets. If you love animals, then on some level you are already engaged in animal communication. Animals often communicate with us in a way that we understand – be it via “the voice in my head”, or showing images which convey feelings, attitudes and experiences, even body language. It can also include other sensations such as smell and taste. The communicator, in turn, can describe these images and sensations in words to owners so they can understand the animals’ feelings or troubles.” Enid

Debra, Editor of Odyssey Magazine caught up with Enid an animal communicator, who has featured on television and works both locally and internationally, to find out more about this vibrant healer and her special gift.

Debra: And here you are ‘Dierepraters’ television host, natural healer and inter-species communicator. Where did this all start for you? Is this something you were born with, that you had an inkling for as a child or is it something that you were guided to and later embraced?

Enid: My grandparents lived on a farm. There were ostriches on the farm and I always used to just go play with them, there was a fence but I would just hang with them and talk to them, stroke their necks and let them nibble on me and that’s what I did … I decided one day they were too far away so I asked them, in my own way, just come along and I opened up the gate. So they walked along the fence and came through into the yard. Much to my grandmother’s dismay I might add… I then started realizing that I had a connection with animals, I could feel them. Growing up with my cats and dogs, I just understood what they wanted and how they felt, I understood the unspoken.


During a candid and enlightening chat with Enid she shared with me that she had been suffering with severe illness, and this was the catalyst that set her off on a healing path and a quest to develop her intuition. Part of her training included Natures’ Language, a method of quietening, listening to animals facilitating healing and removing blockages. Enid emphasised that whether in humans or in animals picking up the energy at a quantum level was the same.
At the time of her illness and subsequent training she had two cat companions. Whilst playing with her male cat Brandon “a ginger” as she fondly referred to him; she heard him say “don’t be so rough.”  This was the ’aha moment’ for Enid and a realisation that she had a deep connection with animals and the ability to tune into their energy and how they were feeling.
Enid cautioned, however,  that animal communication  is not a magic wand or psychic reading it is a process of connecting and working at a deep level with the energy of the animal
One of success stories Enid discussed was about a Persian rescue named Megan, a live case study on the television show ‘Dierepraters’ on Kyknet.
Megan had become so traumatised by her life before her rescue that she had stopped eating bad grooming a tell-tale sign in a cat that something was terribly amiss and her owners called Enid in to assist.
Megan’s’ recue family lived in a duplex and Megan would not venture downstairs at all. Once Enid began working with Megan she confirmed that she was distressed being spoken to loudly by a male figure and she despised her name which she felt  was derogatory and sounded like hissing in her ears… it was then she told Enid that she wanted to be called Megan.
It took about seven sessions with Megan, to the point where this totally unresponsive cat, began to respond to her name and even agreed to go for grooming at the parlour and even natured downstairs to watch the opening of the show Dierepraters on Kyknet with her rescue family.
Enid cautioned that animals who lived on upper floors of buildings could become ungrounded and needed to be connected with the Earth, smell the earth and feel the earth in order to be healthy and happy.

Debra: You are clearly a gateway between owners and their fur babies and communicating both on the pet’s behalf and the pet owner’s behalf. Do you have much requirement for people who have lost pets or pets have gone wandering to try and connect with them to establish if they still on the Earth plane and how to get them back in some way, almost that physic connectedness.

Enid: I do, but it’s not my favourite at all. I’ve had some really good success stories but at the end of the day it’s up to the universe and the animal if it come back or not. I am much more involved in the Behavioural aspects, as was evidenced with Megan

Debra: So do you think that they actually come to us as teachers, as soul vessels to assist or to absorb some of what we carry? Or, are they simply domestic animals requiring our care?

Enid: They definitely come to teach, especially unconditional love and non-attachment.

Debra: Our animals leave the Earth Plane many times in our lifetimes and it’s hard to say goodbye. How do they feel about having to let go? Are they very accepting that death is a natural part of the process and ‘I’m leaving now’ or is there an attachment that holds them to earth energy as with humans?

Enid: Animals in their own form know when the time is right and then they go. They don’t hold on and if they are not ready to go they communicate “not yet. I have had animals connect with me in the middle of the night to let me know they are leaving ‘now’.

Debra: There has been a lot of publicity of regarding euthanising pets when an animal is in pain or there is another compelling reason. Very often the owner will not go with the vet into the clinical area to be there at the time the dose is delivered. And there is a lot rhetoric now suggesting that it’s important that the owner go with the animal into that environment. What are your thoughts on that?

Enid: I 100% agree, it’s a beautiful process for the human to be a part of it, I think humans are scared of death, we have this perception of how is should be. But there is nothing more beautiful and peaceful for the animal to be held by the person that they love, support and guided though all that time, to be with them when they are being euthanized. Euthanasia is a very peaceful process.

Debra: Are there classes that per owners who would like a deeper connection with their pets can attend?

Enid:  There is a course that we teach around SA and around the world and we are looking to start offering it online.

Debra: How long is the course?

Enid: The course is actually two and a half days. The online course, however, will be broken up a smaller modules so that there are more practice sessions in between modules. The online course will probably be about 4 days but they won’t be consecutive days.

Debra: In closing If you were to give our Odyssey readers 3 pointers when do you know that your domestic animal is in trouble, what 3 things are most prevalent when there’s intervention needed?

Enid: Usually its behaviour, their behaviour starts changing or they may become quiet, they withdraw. Also touch your pet, feel them for any lumps that shouldn’t be there. Their breath is another way to notice if there is something wrong.

Enid: My Journey
People talk about having a passion – a sort of Life’s purpose. For quite some time, I thought mine lay in the Television Industry. Born in Vereeniging in 1975, television, for my generation became the new ‘IT’ – which IT, Bitcoin, AI and the like became for those born more recently. And, it was – TV that is, my passion. I rose through the ranks to the position of Executive Producer at Then, passion seemed to die. Probably because my real passion had always been Nature and animals, and probably because of TV shows, because frankly, Vereeniging and its surrounds were Industrial rather than Natural.
Fast forward – Take 2 – 2012, Cape Town, prompted by an esoteric acquaintance to do a course in Intuition, I discovered how to become my true passion.  Using the Intuitive Tools I had learned on that course, I now “tune” into animals and their owners in order to become a “go-between” with regard their messages, and as a bonus, using my “toolbox” to help both animals and humans to cross the divide between ill health and good health on all levels.
I realise now that we all have the ability to bridge the gaps of misunderstanding and fear.  I have acquired the skills to help animals and their humans, help themselves. Anyone can learn to do this. I know, because I allowed myself to learn, and today I am honoured to follow my passion which in turn helps many people with their passion – caring for, and understanding their animals.
I work with both species! Humans and animals from all over the world. After all, we are all interconnected. We teach people to these wonderful skills in a course called Nature’s Language developed by Dale Fox. Courses are taught in-person and online globally.

Enid can be contacted via email or her website