Wavelength: The Higher Principle                                              by Robert TroÅ¡ka (Sr.) The Czech Committee for Scientific Management – Prague Wars have gone on since ancient times with an aggressor on one side and an invaded land on the other....
When you love money, money will love you back Do you love money? Do you really, really want it? Do you pay attention to it, appreciate it, give it your time and energy? Or do you give it mixed signals – wanting it one minute and denying your relationship with it in...
Mother Africa, Earth Medicine The continent of Africa is a vast treasure trove of traditional medicinal wisdom. The people that live here continue to rely strongly on plant medicine for their wellbeing and the practice of traditional herbalism is an important...
Healing Trauma Through Music and Sound Most Johns Hopkins otolaryngologists feel that, if you want to exercise and stimulate your brain, it is effective to listen to music. They also feel that listening to or playing music is a great way of keeping the brain fit...
Sound, Healing of the Ancients Music has the power to affect our health and wellbeing. This belief and related cultural practice has been evident throughout history but the clinical profession of music therapy is only some 75 years old. As a field of practice, music...
Destigmatising Mental Health According to a recent World Health Organisation (WHO) survey conducted in 130 countries, Covid-19 has disrupted or halted critical mental health services in 93 per cent of countries worldwide, while the demand for mental health has...