The Daffodil Principle “Mother, you must come and see the daffodils before they are over.” This is how Jaroldeen Asplund Edwards begins her narrative of the experience that led her to the ‘daffodil principle’. Somewhat reluctantly, she agreed to undertake the...
The great age of entitlement They, being the tiny minority of the privileged on the planet who believe the world revolves around them: Those who need an entire team of people just to get through the day. Therapists, coaches, trainers, healers, kinesiologists,...
The Education of Rain-child “Rain-child is a young member of the Bushmen clan I work with in Botswana and was born during a Kalahari rainstorm, which is considered lucky, hence his name.” – Clive Horlock In the past many friends and guests, who have joined me...
Doing Life with Heike: Taking up space We’ve all seen the motivational posters: “Be the change you wish to see in the world!” “Take up space!” “Roar like a lion!” But let’s be honest, sometimes those messages feel about...
The Energy of Thoughts and Words Even before I became a practitioner of energy healing, I believed thoughts and words had energy and this energy could either cause blockages leading to disharmony or be employed to increase balance in our lives. At a young age, I was...
Open your heart and brain, heal your physical body Are you feeling: stressed out, overwhelmed, anxious, exhausted, and tired of trying too hard or that meditation is too challenging for your busy mind? Then this PROCESS experience might be just the thing for you! P...