Liquid Love
I am Kuthumi, I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet and gift thee a divine blessing of expansion. It is with great joy and pleasure that we gather, as we hold you firmly within the Heart of Christ and securely upon the Hands of God
Beloveds, you are indeed in a time of liquid love!
This energy invites you to be flexible enough to integrate the diamond codes as etheric liquid crystalline frequencies.
Everything initiates as a ‘fluid-like’ state of movement and, when the formation decides on its projected outcome, it takes on form.
These specks of coded light have been bestowed upon your planet for years, more intensely since 2012. We suggest you integrate these ‘consciously’, which over time will take on form according to that which you project to experience.
We shared metaphors of how the dimensions of water and pure oxygen differ and to be comfortable within fluidity. Multidimensional thinking reminds you that you carry the ‘liquid dimension’ within.
As an infinite crystalline flame essence, it’s vital for your physicality to integrate these frequencies, as the only way you are going to face survival within the current planetary cauldron of confusion, is to be flexible.
This is the dance of the Aquarian Age! By dancing with your shadow, you become versatile and dare to choose differently! Christ Consciousness, or Diamond Crystalline Light Codes, is what the new earth is about.
When the limitations of the lower mental field stir uncertainty, insecurity, restrictions and fear, things seem unreachable. Hence, set the intent to create a new viewpoint platform, especially when stars align.
If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got!
2024 = Flexibility and movement
The year of power and abundance, when manifestation abilities are more profound than ever! It’s an end, yet new beginnings await on your doorstep to greet your horizon! By stepping through your celestial golden door, you embrace new possibilities like never before.
Why not fill your cauldron with things anew?
2024 is the end of the 12-year 2012 cycle offering multiple timeline changes, inviting you to take a new chance on yourself! Within the new cycle expect attunement and planetary changes unlike ever before.
The Dove of Peace stirs
Previously sewn seeds reactivate and awaken, thus nurture your dreams! Pay attention to areas where commitment is required. Opportunities are about to shift into a new enhanced frequency for manifestation.
The divine feminine is very present as part of these new codes, especially those of gentle expansion, the gentle observer. Let your creative juices flow as you allow transformation.
To be in the ‘right place and time’, is to be still, which facilitates mind expansion. As veils between worlds start thinning, let intuition be your guide as you surrender into the gifts of liquid love.
The fifth dimension, where your aim should be at, is about communicating through higher levels of inner knowing within the third eye, telepathic in its frequency.
The sixth dimension is about fluidity. You work within third and fourth dimensions during sleep and wake states. Don’t let lower frequencies hinder your expansion. Let third eye mindfulness become like breathing.
The ‘observer’ opens higher channels. Most often you don’t ‘allow’ the self to gravitate towards your Still Point where truths are revealed, which you crave! In juxtaposition, your egoic side feels that it needs to know everything. Wrong!
Much is shared across timelines and dimensions, up to a point. From the dimension I gravitate towards, we share to help lift your load and heighten your frequency. Thus, to help prevent the heaviness of the 3D earth experience drag you down.
Your current timeline is still part of the foundational stage for The Age of Aquarius, which equals a state of peace.
Planetary grids
The grids around your planet are currently being upshifted or ‘rewired’ affecting your energy field and chakric system. Everything is shifting, moving on and up into finer tuned frequencies.
We told you years ago that your world is about to go mad! I rest my case! To survive this, be the observer!
Extend your gifts of transformation to others. Non-judgment, forgiveness and gratitude unleash unconditional love. Your Ascension Chakra keys and senses, together with ‘trust’, reveal your ‘truths’.
Invoke the frequency of liquid love to shift restrictions, thus don’t react, and become creative! No matter your timeline, focus on that which is at hand. Through turning the golden key to your consciousness, you unlock every opportunity that you project! Allow the MYSTERY beyond your golden door to pave your way!
12 years after 2012 – Time to create a brand-new cycle!
An ‘eight’ year that shouts power and abundance! Everything is in alignment for greatness, thus allow the flexibility of these magnificent codes to remind you of your multidimensional, magical magnificence! Once again you came to walk the path of an earthling to remind yourself that you are part of The Greater Whole! Eliminate fear by embracing the infinite powerful ability of LOVE.
– See yourself floating away from your planet yet feel grounded and safe.
– Visualise a magnificent Christ fountain burst open from within as you bathe within cascading Christ Consciousness Crystalline Liquid Love Codes, also seeded unto the planet way below, and drenched, like a glittering ball!
– Gravitate towards your moon, then travel through the ‘dark’ side into deep space.
– Visualise yourself as magnificent violet crystalline flame and be at peace.
– Venture past the planets, floating towards the ‘edge’ of your known solar system.
There are billions of glittering star bodies everywhere! Many you know as you visit them during your nightly sojourns and between lifetimes. Although beyond your earthly vision, they are there nonetheless!
Floating in complete darkness, you are guided by The Light from within, you fear nothing as you float within the bliss of The Void.
Gravitate towards your golden door in the distance. Place your palms on the door. Ask your questions; the answers will be revealed.
Upon entering you find yourself in a magnificent domed temple. Within the centre, 12 beings manifest all around you.
This is your 12-being support team. Choose four of each to work with; Ascended / Spirit Masters, a family / friend relation and four angelic beings forming your support team.
A magnificent pink ray of light connects your heart to theirs, a glorious crystalline energy with a blue undertone connecting your throat centres and a divine emerald and tanzanite connecting your third eyes.
Visualise 12 floating golden flames within your crown chakra, with gold and amethyst rays connecting your crown centre to theirs.
The beings raise their palms, beaming codes of liquid love towards you. Feel it.
The angelic beings ask that you to call upon them when you feel you can be no more. The next group offers you a unique gift of divine transition and love. The Ascended Masters remind you that indeed all things are possible. Long pause.
They release their energies from your space.
Do call upon and work with them. Pay attention to synchronicity for guidance and answers!
A magnificent golden pyramid envelops your cathedral to which your golden door allows entry. Visit your scared place as often as you like.
Gently descend from your pyramid, back towards your planet, back through the dark moon, back into your space and body.
You are love incarnate!
The gift of multidimensional consciousness is a reality that is yours!
Instead of clinging to the past cycle of 12, embrace the next completing in 2036, an 11-master frequency.
What do you project into that?
If the past cycle wasn’t what you hoped it to be, allow the next to bring unimaginable possibilities by trusting the mystery!
See these codes infiltrating your very DNA! Allow your sacred mind and heart to initiate an enhanced circular flow of love.
If another doesn’t reflect this same frequency, simply send them love. Leave them to their own choices and let the laws of cause and effect’ be yours. Remember, manifesting means matching your frequency with that which you desire!
If someone misses their opportunity of change, they will simply face it again and again, whereas you as Lightworkers came to recognise yourself as love in manifested form.
May the Light of the Living Christ burn brightly within you, now and always, in all ways.
I bless you with gifts of love, enlightenment and inner sight, so that you may go forth and be a mirror of joy for others. I AM Kuthumi, I am the lord and master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom and greet and bless thee in love. Adonai.