I am Kuthumi, and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom. We extend our energy from the realms beyond this; please integrate and accept our love-infused frequency.
Beloveds, through receiving knowledge, wisdom, and guidance, you embrace the frequency of The New You. Your planet is undergoing tremendous change, which you individually and collectively came to be part of.
The choice is ultimately yours, yet with each return, once healed and ready, you cannot wait to go into preparation for another new upcoming life on earth. In juxtapose, you are now preparing for your next!
The wonderment of which we love sharing in visitations like this.
This lifetime is in many ways the conclusion of previous experiences; thus, it is important to integrate the higher teachings of love and wisdom available to you at this level and, from this transcended platform create a satisfying current and future reality or timeline.
Some lifetimes weren’t even lived for the self, but in support of another’s life lessons, which is complicated.
What am I really creating here?
There’s a general outcry of despondency and confusion all around. Many chose this as their most challenging lifetime, compressing many ‘life-lesson cycles’ within this one.
The state of global affairs, including this country, is deeply immersed in the deep end of their deep cleanse! As awakening ones, you are now learning to calmly diffuse unstable energies collectively. Many serve as ‘diffusers’ of anger, irritations, frustrations, etc. making these more ‘digestible’. It is of utmost importance to remain focused on calm resonance, beauty, love, and humour! (Balance)
The Aquarian energy extends every opportunity to do so, offering a plethora of possibilities! Truly Aquarian, it is all about new discoveries, new ways of doing things, newness all the way, introducing to the world stage a whole new way of seeing things, while judgment, blasphemy, blame etc. go out of the widow of old. YOU came to anchor this new frequency, a modern energy of great excitement, thus becoming alive in your skin as you serve as an inspiring surrogate no matter what!
Your world and country are in turmoil, get over it!
Move along, Beloveds! Create balance and recognise why you have chosen to be in this lifetime. Apart from creating amazing experiences, you came to share, for without sharing ‘for God’s sake’ what is the point in having? What good is being self-absorbed, selfish, and self-willed? Not extending joy and laughter to others? None. You live on a planet that hosts humans, therefore integrate all the facets of your human self, which will bring about balance. As the cliché goes… ‘become the change…’
Focus on Good
Don’t involve the self in the craziness of the world ‘out there’. Fact, the more energy you give something (good or bad), the more amplified the situation! Steadily transform the self, working from within and creating the world without. Share this by being the pillar of light needed in your country and the world. Shift the focus from destruction and illusion to divinity and harmony.
Beloveds, there is much turmoil beyond the scenes, like a circus heading for a fiasco! Watch out for that which continually tries to veer you off path, deceiving you into falling prey to illusions. I understand it is challenging, as many face turmoil, challenges, and trials of their own.
It is our focus from beyond the veil to deliver discourses like this to remind you of your beauty and magnificence, a forgotten memory for most.
Beloveds, you are beautiful, crystalline expressions of Light and Colour beyond anything that you can imagine or relate to. Because you have taken on a body, don’t confuse yourself with being just that, as you are greater than that! You are LOVE incarnate. To express the love that you are as discarnate while being incarnate is your greatest challenge while slumbering.
Bring love, joy, and expression of enlightenment to this plane instead of suffering under the confusion of another.
Vibrations will increase, moods will change, and people will love and dance instead of cry. If some things are not within your reach or ability to change, perhaps it’s best left so.
The Holy of Holies granted you a lifetime, and by God, you earned it; it’s yours. Live it, express it, and be proud of it! As an enlightened being, you are part of the evolutionary scale that unleashes refined frequencies of love opposed to decomposing it.
You are Creator Light in expression, that is who you came to be!
Visualise yourself floating face up in a beautiful pond nestled in the mountains with forests all around, floating towards a waterfall.
About an arm’s length away from the cascading water, connect with a Being manifesting on the other side of the waterfall.
The rockpool is shallow, thus your shoulders are above the water. Feel the texture of the water on your skin and the gentle splash cooling your face. Embrace this nurturing essence and tap into its ambience. Pause.
All of life deserves nurturing, and part of your role is to be a grand nurturer and to remind others thereof.
Water soothes the emotional body, gifts a gentleness to your psyche, releasing beauty from within. Now, reach out to the being beyond the cascading waters, who takes your hands in theirs, communicating a telepathic message for you. What is it?
Go deep within and allow this to be revealed, TRUST. Pause
Embracing your worthiness plays a vital part in your transcendence; thus recognise your magnificence! Be assertive with gentleness. Many put themselves second, which, although kind, often stems from a lack of ‘assertive’ worthiness. Say NO when appropriate, and mean it!
When dealing with loss, find excitement in new interests. There is much to explore; go get lost in it! There’s a ‘great depression’ on this plane, creating sadness and a vacuum of ‘not deserving’. We urge you to reignite your spark or ‘mojo’, get excited, and inspire others to do so!
Aquarian energy is bubbly, fluid and flexible!
You all have so much to give, which is why, as a planetary teacher, I urge you to go beyond the norm. Look in the mirror; you are an amazing, magnificent being that has come to transform worlds, bringing your own magnificence into its divine state once again. Hence, move forward with confidence.
The old way of thinking is gone; thus, the new cascading water codes remind you that ‘feeling secure about being insecure’ is not an option.
Affirm “I am a Multifaceted, Multidimensional, Magical, Magnificent Expression of Light, that I am!” and claim this!
Bring your attention back to the waterfall. Tap into your senses and taste the water as you connect to its pure crystalline consciousness!
Draw your arms back from this cascade of exquisiteness, affirming, “I release all judgements I have placed upon myself,” then give yourself a hug, no one’s watching!
Nurture, be nurtured. Claim your message as part of your masterhood!
We serve by reminding you of the exquisiteness of self, and remember, before reaching out for tomorrow, embrace every moment of this day! Know that not now or not ever can you be alone, for we are all one.
I am Kuthumi, Adonai.
Chanel Lingenfelder – author of “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia” www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Channel for the ascended masters since 2006. She was instructed by ‘Upstairs’ to study Colour and Chakras, survived a mind-blowing extraordinary ordination & offers readings and workshops.