Editor’s Note: Winter Edition no. 242 One of the things I love about winter is how much it makes me appreciate the other seasons! Instead of spending winter summoning spring, I thought about the five things I loved most about winter. Oversized tops, knits and...
Editor’s Note: Autumn Edition 2023 no. 241 Self-reflection can be defined as “meditation or serious thought about one’s actions and motives.” For me, autumn is always a time of reflection. As the leaves begin to change colour, the days get shorter, leaves fall...
Editor’s Note: Summer Edition 2022/3 no. 240 As the final edition of 2022 and the first of 2023 is crafted, I am compelled to look back to look forward. As the year started, the mist of economic and social disruption of Covid permeated all levels of our society....
Editor’s Note: Spring Edition 2022 no. 239 My editor’s note is inspired in this spring edition by an email questioning the inclusion of articles pertaining to life and sexuality in preference to all things ‘beautiful and enlightening’. At Odyssey we...
Editor’s Note: Winter Edition 2022 no. 238 “Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.” Pierre...
Our NEW Odyssey Identity An Expression of Deep Gratitude Fellow sojourners our bright new site, in the colours of connectedness and inspired thought, is now LIVE. Live gently, kinder and consciously with Odyssey Magazine. The meaning of our new Odyssey colour...