Falling in Love and Full Moon Codes

by | Print Articles, Spiritual Living, Spring 2024

Body-Brain VS Soul-Mind – Ascended Master Kuthumi

Transmitted through: Chanel Lingenfelder Howick SA

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to gift unto thee a profound blessing of exploration! Beloveds, life is meant to be joyful, fun and full of celebrations!

Humanity tends to restrict themselves because of ingrained rules and regulations. We invite you to push your boundaries! Allow different experiences to unfold, revealing different opportunities!

When stuck in your ways, you become stale, and inevitably, chances for opportunities to remove the veils from the illusion which keeps you within boundaries 24/7/365 remain just that – a stale illusion.     Beloved ones, the human brain-mind is probably one of the most complicated, intense and complex wired apparatuses of Creation known to man. In fact, there is much yet to be discovered when it comes to the wiring of the brain. As this happens, humanity shall awaken to a whole new world when time presents itself as correct. This current time on your planet is a doorway such as this.

Surrender into the Expansion of it all! Expand your mind by rewiring your brain whilst surrendering to the brain function of the heart, for the heart rules all!  Things that may restrict or influence your thinking can never deny your deep compassionate feeling, therefore knowing. You can never ‘un-know’ things.

Once you allow yourself to go within, to discover the many hidden gems within your heart essence, it will reveal a complex life system of its own. Your scientists know this! Although they have revealed some info, much is still to be discovered!  The heart can indeed overrule anything!  It is when the brain wants to control the heart that things go a bit ‘haywire’, as you say.

When tapping into the sacred essence of the brain you open a spectrum of mind exploration through higher thinking. This allows you to ultimately surrender into the eventual balance of the sacred heart/mind. When these two join in a graceful dance of transformation, that is when change becomes, magic happens, and miracles manifest before your very eyes.

The pulse of any Full Moon facilitates this transformation, whether you are ‘under’ it or not. Your heart chakra responds, and answers to your questions are revealed from a heart and not a brain response.

Brain →Mind→ Sacred Mind→ Soul Mind: I am presenting this in a way to alleviate confusion.  The mind explores, the heart widens, urging you to surrender into the essence of the scared heart/mind, allowing ‘life’ to take you on a journey of its own. The key is to allow.

This shift inspires you to share emotions openly without imposing your emotional baggage on another.

The brain is not about confinement, yet enjoys playing games of confusion, which ultimately you create! Don’t let its ‘entertainment’ create confusion which ‘puts on’ many faces! Entertainment at another’s expense and misperceptions fuelled by the lower ego are common pitfalls. When the person’s brain is unable to ‘see’ clearly, dysfunctional displeasure becomes pleasurable, which is disgraceful at its undesirable best!

The sole essence of man allows the brain to ‘drive’ your vehicle (body) on your insistence. When the brain (eventually) shows interest in learning all the markings or ‘road signs’ along your journey, the soul encourages the brain to take the free-willed driver seat to explore. This introduces the ‘mind concept’ as you evolve.

The developing Brain will tell you, “Don’t do it,” as you haven’t done it; the evolutionary Mind will say, “I dare you to,” and the Sacred Mind will say, “Trust me let’s do it!”

Emotions are largely influenced by moon cycles. It encourages the sensitive aspect within the masculine to awaken in a beautiful and soft way. Be wary of overactive or supressed emotions, as often the sensitivity within the feminine goes into overdrive.

It’s part of your process to bring the brain-mind function into balance so that the soul can express what it came to do. In so doing, it can finally reveal to the body, thus the human (brain), what it means to truly explore the journey of your life without tantrums or force!

This is what the new codes are set to transform, eventually. Thus, even the most stubborn will soften to explore a more refined understanding of their map of life.

Explore and express the sensitivity within the masculine and the power within the feminine without farce or force.

This brings about balance by bridging the gap between lower-dimensional brain thinking and upper-dimensional thought processes, opening doorways of discovery. Thus, ‘soul experience downloads’ stir the ‘why am I here’. The easiest way to facilitate this is to express your authenticity creatively. The quicker you expand previously ‘set’ boundaries, the quicker you will come to know the self. The deeper you completely, utterly, and totally fall in love with the self, selflessly.

Falling in love with each other: Imagine all of humanity awakening this Love aspect within each other? This world will be transformed in a blink of an eye! It’s what lightworkers do!

I understand that you may face times of sadness, aggravation, loss of determination and bordering hopelessness. But know that although life may seem tricky for the most part, form a conscious level, come lean into me beloveds, this planet has never had so many awakened beings in ‘now’ consciousness, ever. This is why wonderful, magnificent, well trained and equipped lightworkers such as yourself can say “Bring it on!”

Perhaps some may fall by the wayside this time around, but their time will come. Those that transitioned before a grand state of equilibrium is achieved, will rejoice from on high, from every level of the heavenly spheres! They rejoice the current transformation, which they are still a part of, on and off the planet, and so will you!

It’s not a maybe or perhaps, it is a done deal! It may not be within your lifetime, but you will be back for the sideshow! The process of ascension (ascending consciousness) from human shell to brain, to mind, to soul function, has been an ongoing theme for eons.

Draw forth the inspiration from the feminine energy emitted by your Moon which reminds you of your inner softness no matter your gender or choice. Inner Sight and Creativity (3rd eye) transcend lower thoughts into intermediate, then into higher mind perceptions (tapping into the Sacred Mind), which infuses with your Soul Essence Mind.

Trust the awakening of your sacred mind. Your sacred heart continually pulses vibrational frequencies for transformation. Falling in love with the self is not without trials and tribulations, which can be overcome. Many face challenges beyond the average comprehension. Sadly, much is of their own making, like distorted thought habits, as your earth is drenched with addictions.

The most difficult – The addiction of a negative mind. ‘Golden doors’ hence remaining trapped within repetition. Their refusal to hand the controls to the soul (even though they know very well that the soul knows best) keeps them entrapped. Addictions to the arrogant controlling lower ego (which thrives on lack, desire, and fear) must be overcome!

Once you do so, the door of transcendence opens wider and the gifts of falling in love with the self are revealed. Bathing under this scared celestial being called your Moon facilitates this!

Believe it or leave it, the days of some thinking that they can do as they please with whomever they wish are ending! Recent activities (failed landings) on your Moon have proven this.

Let them continue ‘banging their heads repeatedly’ until such time that they too shall enter into the doorway of ‘falling in love’ with themselves and all else!

Activation. Visualise a bright Full Moon above. Integrate these Moon Codes of transformation into your Sacral Chakra.  Allow the divine feminine expression of your creative self to dance with your compassionate self as you move these codes into the heart chakra, daring you to fall in love with yourself.  

Move these into your 3rd eye while claiming peace within. Next, move these into your 10th Golden Angelic Chakra. Finally allow these codes to come to rest in your 12th Diamond Christ Consciousness Chakra where you claim your “I AM” presence as you bathe within the Diamond Codes.

Beloveds, the ‘gems’ of your life’s journey gifts you passage into your own Light.  Surrender into the Divine Flow of the unknown as you claim your ‘I AM’ Christ Consciousness Codes within every cell! You already are that. Your life cord envelops you within this sacred frequency, urging you to awaken your full consciousness cord. Pause.

See the magnificence of your Moon as she shines her light reflected by your Sun. As with all life, the Light/Dark Yin/Yang frequency births balance. Awakening may bring lessons of learning, yet ‘falling in love’ often results when opposites attract and merge, also within the self!

When the body-brain and soul-mind dance as one, miracles happen! Impossible? Not at all!

The more you lean towards it, the better you will understand the concept of balancing light/dark, and all the polarised rest at their best.

Now, allow your consciousness to gravitate towards and into the fullness of the Moon. Move your energy into, through her body, and out the other side into the ‘darkness’ of her balance. Pause.

Travel beyond her dark side into deep space. Pause.  No matter the darkness, there is no fear as light always prevails, yours! Pause. Venture into the void, the abyss. Breathe, relax, feel safe. Pause.

In the far distance notice the ‘dark’ side of the Moon with your Sun and Earth beyond that. Allow your consciousness to respond according to your light frequency. Pause.

In embodiment, this is the Light of your Sacred Soul (Mind/Heart) that infinitely shines from within to guide without. Pause.  Be comfortable within this darkness, releasing all fears. Long Pause.

Whilst I take my leave, in your own time, reverse the process until you anchor yourself back unto earth, your space, chair, head, and brain. May the Light of the living Christ shine brightly upon you. Go forth and rediscover your magnificence! You are never alone for we are all ONE.

I am Kuthumi, Lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom. I greet and bless thee to rediscover the love of self. Adonai.


Chanel Lingenfelder is the author of “From Party Patsy to Praying Patricia”www.visionoftheheart.co.za. Transvoice channel for the ascended masters since 2006 after surviving a mind-blowing extraordinary ordination.