Meet Kelly Fowlds – “Nothing beats the smell of cookies in the oven or onions sizzling in a pan! I’m so grateful to have had such a beautiful food journey throughout my 12 years of being a chef. I simply couldn’t imagine doing anything else for a living. Recipe development, I would say, is the best part of my career. I love working with new ingredients and experimenting with flavour combinations. I’m especially passionate about local ingredients and sourcing from local suppliers in Limpopo. I currently run the Polokwane campus of The Limpopo Chefs Academy, where I get to sculpt the young minds of aspiring food addicts and share my passion with them all. For fun, I spend a lot of time taking photos of food, Instagram inspires me daily. “

Naartjie and Baobab Meringue Tart

Recipe by Chef Kelly Fowlds – Instagram @kellyfowldschef

Pastry shells
100g      Butter
125g      Icing sugar
1            Egg
Pinch    Salt
250g     Flour

*Cream the butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
*Add egg and beat well.
*Add salt and sifted flour, mix until just combined
*Do not over-mix.
*Shape into a disc and wrap, rest in the fridge for an hour or so.
*Roll out evenly, nice and thin. Line your tart shells and neatly trim edges.
*Back to the fridge and allow to rest for an hour.
*Poke with hole and blind bake at 175 for about 30min.

3             Egg yolks
145ml    Naartjie juice, fresh
145ml    Lemon juice, fresh
2tsp       Naartjie zest
1tsp        Baobab fruit powder (optional)
25g         Cornstarch (cornflour)
130g       White sugar
pinch     Salt
25g         Butter

*Place the juice, zest, baobab powder, cornstarch, sugar and salt in a saucepan.
*Stirring constantly, thicken over a medium heat until glassy.
*Remove from the heat and add a little at a time to the egg yolks, whisking well after each addition. Continue until all of the mixture has been slowly incorporated into the eggs.
*Return to the heat and on a low setting thicken until large bubbles form on the surface.
*Remove from the heat and stir in the butter.
*Pour filling into cooled tart shells and bake at 160 for about 20 minutes. There should be a slight wobble in the centre.
*Allow to cool completely before topping with meringue.

Swiss Meringue
6             Egg whites, room temp
360g     White sugar

*Place the egg whites and sugar in a clean, dry, grease free, heatproof bowl.
*Place the bowl over a large saucepan of boiling water, to create a double boiler.
*Stir until all sugar has completely dissolved.
*Using either a stand mixer or a hand beater, whisk until the meringue has a smooth shiny stiff peak.
*Place on top of cooled tartlets and either brown under a hot grill for a few minutes (keep your eye on it) or simply use a blowtorch.
Optional: This recipe may be made in a pie dish.

Kelly Fowlds

A Prue Leith Culinary Institute 2008 graduate, Kelly started her career at The Forum in Bryanston and here she discovered her love for baking and pastry. She took up pastry position in Dubai and later moved on to the Magnolia Bakery in Bloomingdales. On returning to South Africa, Kelly joined a five-star Fusion Boutique Hotel in Limpopo. In 2012 she headed to Durban and there founded a specialist bakery. Kelly married in 2014 and moved to the county; in 2017 she joined the Limpopo Chefs Academy team she currently heads up the Polokwane Campus in Limpopo.