Nolwazi Rahlaga is a survivor of a car crash that killed both her parents. In Nelspruit, South Africa, where she lectures at the local university, Nolwazi meets Mohale Motlalepula, a man who triggers her spiritual awakening. We discover their shared past lives in 17th...
‘The Brave Little African Girl’ ‘The Brave Little African Girl’ by Thabitha Mathabatha is an insightful children’s book that sends readers into the jungles of Africa, where they meet Fofo – a young girl with a yearning for independence. When she ventures into...
SOUTH AFRICA AFTER COVID-19 What should South Africa be doing to prepare for the ‘new normal’ after Covid-19? That is the overarching question that a new book from Jacana Media, Recession, Recovery and Reform: South Africa after Covid-19, seeks to tackle. Edited by...
The fact that the ultimate goal of alchemy is the creation or manifestation of a stone is another key to alchemy’s link with our crystal and stone work. The Philosophers’ Stone can be viewed on multiple levels – from acting as a metaphor for one’s...
“Be like water making its way through cracks … adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it.”Bruce Lee Three Painful Life Purpose Questionsand the surprising wisdom of their answers. How many times have you asked these types of questions,...