At the age of 22, in the prime of my life, with tears rolling down my cheeks referring to the drama unfolding with my parents and my three siblings, I confided to my father. “Dad I can’t take this anymore. It is hurting me.”
“It is family and you must handle it,” he said.
33 years later after going down many pathways and seeing the same issues there; researching different fields, as well as being plagued by my own destructive habits, downright abusive relationships and environments, it started to change.
For the first time I decided to dedicate the time to the self and direct all my love to God, which was working, and it is what catapulted this entire course into manifestation.
For a moment let us suspend our understanding of what the ‘I’ is and take this moment to reflect on this. Who were you before you became an ‘I’? Before you were ‘told’ who you were?
Then let’s bring this into our understanding. If an MRI scan of your brain is done before the age of four, your entire brain lights up, as every neuron is firing with every other neuron. You were the universe. Then as the conditioning started to set in, if an MRI scan is done then, one can see with the brain scan that certain parts light up with what activity is carried out.
What happened is the ‘I’ separated itself from the universe to become an individual self… an ego.
This course material understands that the ‘I’ is necessary to have an experience in this reality but the ‘I’ based on the ego, which is the false sense of self is the problem that creates this separation.
Bringing in another perspective is that in electronics there are two states to make the entire system work. We have the one (1) and zero (0). Similarly, if we want to have an experience in this reality, we need two things: the mind and the body.
The mind is a variable as it is formed with the content and the environment that we are subjected to. Where else the makeup of our body is the 23 pairs of chromosomes.
Now once more look at the words ‘mInd’ and ‘bOdy’. Does this not resemble the 1 and 0 in electronics?
Looking into this pattern, ‘I’, ‘mInd’, ‘tIme’ and ‘lIe’ and ‘O’, ‘bOdy’, ‘nOw’, as well as ‘gOd’, ‘mOm’ and ‘yOu’; can we see the pattern?
There are many tools that are used in this course material; the one that is used extensively is Gematria. Gematria is an ancient Kabbalistic tool that was used to decode the sacred text and group certain ideas together. It is done by denoting a number to a letter with A=1, B=2 and so on.
Another tool we use extensively is activations. Activations bring in source energy directly into your chakra system to assist you with your evolution. We need to understand that effort is required to start rewiring those neural pathways.
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