In the previous article we covered and brought up the idea of the I and the O as being two aspects needed for creation to unfold.
We compared this to the 1 and 0 of electronics and then tied it up to our biological computers with neurons that fire together wire together.
We expanded on the idea that this is also shown in the mInd and bOdy, two aspects of this creation that we came here to experience.
We are all are aware of the I as this is what we were brought up to believe we are. The mInd is formed with information we received while growing up which in turn created the ego the false sense of self.
With this understanding we can see why our reality is the way it is as it is creating an I-society.
Once we realize that the only thing that differs in all of us is the information that we have accumulated we will direct our focus to something greater.
In this course material we came to understand that this entire reality is a creation of gOd-mOm known as our divine parents.
The divine masculine-gOd and divine feminine-mOm.
This course material came into formation when the self was navigating to find answers as to why we are so fragmented as a society, let alone all the abuse that this I went through along the journey.
As this I did not want to personalize the course material a character was made up called TIA which was an acronym for This I Am.
Then once this was done the course material started to flow in accordance with what needed to be expressed.
Nature tunes yOu
Numbers calibrate yOu
Activations integrate yOu
As an I there were doubts many times as this course was unfolding yet TIA kept on persevering forward to see what the outcome would be.
One of the tools we use is Gematria which is the breaking up of words to numbers to see how they resonate with one another.
THIS I AM = 79 = NATURE = 79 = MOTHER = 79 = I AM LIGHT = 79 = THE BODY
This immediately made sense to TIA; we separated from mOther and once we did that, we became an I-ego forming the mInd.
Activations is a way to bring source energy into our relative experience to elevate our frequency.
The best way to express this is with the atom with the particles (I) that occupy the 0,0000001 % and the space(O) the 99.9999999 %.
Activations is the tool used to open our energy centres (Chakras) to allow them to operate more efficiently.
We learn about base activations which connects us to our mother; heart activations that open the heart centre to make us more intuitive. Other tools we learn is the wOOsh-wOOsh to remove any energy vampires that are attached to our sacral centre, and further tools to bring balance to the lower three energy centres.
This entire creation comes from our mOther, so we are really one bOdy, it is the ego- the mInd which creates the separation and in turn the reality we are experiencing.
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