This involves a Past Life Regression prior to the LBL session. During this phase of Past Life Regression we also explore the womb phase when the Soul connects to the physical body of the baby. The Past Life Regression including the questions can be anywhere from two to three hours. The LBL experience takes one beyond Past Life to a profound experience. It is both an extension and evolution beyond Past Life Regression and the full session including questions can be anywhere between three and four hours.
Special techniques enable the client to enter a higher state of consciousness, that which is known as the superconscious. This allows the client access to Soul memories. The client enters the realm where we reside in between incarnations. In this higher dimension decisions are made regarding a next reincarnation and the reasons we choose the pathways we do. Some will experience connecting to Soul groups – are there people in this life that are significant, who are here to help you achieve your purpose? Sacred knowledge, wisdom and insight received from ‘Higher Beings/Elders/Council’? There are unlimited possibilities and resources for inner discoveries. Each person will find the answers they seek for their specific life situations. Most importantly it is an understanding of your Eternal Authentic Self and that there is no final death; we only change form. These sessions are life-changing for all Souls experiencing the human form. Fear diminishes as you see the continuation of lives.
The facilitator takes the client on a journey to expanded states embracing our multidimensional nature of who we truly are, embracing Alternate Realities, Parallel Lives and Interdimensional Consciousness to heal profoundly or open up to the wisdom we seek. The work is undertaken in a resonance where we raise the vibration of our collective selves with every interaction. This is a safe and natural journey, an energy of service by the facilitator, who brings forward a state of remembering, as the client embraces the expanded state of being. A reminder truly of our magnificence. We enter:
Our Stored Consciousness – this holds all our experiences of this lifetime at any age. These aspects of ourselves come forward to share wisdom and healing, in return we share what is needed for them.
Alternate Consciousness – this holds an alternate reality that was created when we made important decisions. This created a replication of ourselves in an alternate reality. Meeting and sharing with these alternate selves bring wisdom and peace when we feel we made wrong choices.
Parallel Consciousness – this is where we were active in other bodies on this earth in different lifetimes. We exchange a giving and receipt of wisdom and healing, raising the vibration in all our other selves.
Interdimensional Consciousness- we experience the knowing, the remembering of being in other life forms/dimensions/planets.
Ilse has been in practice since 2008 when she completed her hypnosis training in South Africa. In her practice she uses Spiritual Regression and other alternative methods to help clients rediscover their true-selves and bring about positive change in all aspects of their lives. Ilse is a certified facilitator and registered member and on the advisory council of the Michael Newton Institute and the Institute for quantum consciousness.