Medicine for the People: A Call to Remember

by | Digitorials, Print Articles, Spring 2024

To every seeker who finds these words, I offer an invitation – a gentle call to embark on a journey back to your true self. Medicine for the People is not just a concept but a living, breathing reality awaiting each of you. It is a path that welcomes all, regardless of age, gender, religion, or race. This medicine is a return to the sacred – a remembrance of who we are and why we are here.

On my own journey, I have walked the path of transformation, shedding layers that no longer served me and stepping into the truth of who I am. I have let go of old patterns, faced challenges and embraced the essence of life with every breath. I have released over 30 kilograms of physical weight and, more importantly, the emotional and spiritual burdens that held me back. I’ve moved cities, shifted homes and confronted my own truths and demons.

Through this process, I have risen like the Phoenix from the ashes, bringing with me a message for every soul seeking freedom: The healing of the land begins in the hearts of man. It is not medicine in pill form that will heal us, but the medicine of the highest frequency – love.

I have come to understand that the medicine we seek is not found in external remedies; it is within each of us. Every being is a fraction of the Divine Light and we all drink from the same source of life. By connecting with this Light, we expand our consciousness and realise that medicine is all around us – it is everything and everyone.

As the founder of Kamala, I bring to you Medicine for the People, which is about much more than healing the physical body. It is about total wellness – physical, emotional and spiritual. It is the journey to the centre, the light that resides within each of us, guiding us back to our true essence. It embodies various ancient teachings and modalities that have guided humanity through the ages, resonating to the core of your being.

This journey is not about following a set of rules or practices. It is about aligning with the truth of who you are, connecting with the Great Mystery and recognising that we are all part of something greater. The sacred laws I speak of – honesty, courage, loyalty, humility, respect, love, truth and wisdom – are not just principles to be learned; they are frequencies to be lived, experienced and embodied.

As we walk this sacred path together, we engage in practices that reconnect us with the essence of life itself, guiding you back to your centre.

I extend my hand to you. Medicine for the People is here for you, ready to guide you on your journey to wellness and wholeness. This journey is for all who seek to know themselves, to heal and to remember. The path is before you, open and welcoming. Will you walk it with me?

Aho Mitakuye Oyasin