It’s about your Gut Feeling!
The human body relies on the normal flora (probiotics) for several functions including, metabolising foods and certain drugs; absorbing nutrients; preventing colonisation by pathogenic bacteria; providing nutritional benefits, including inducing growth factors; increasing the bioavailability of minerals; stabilising the mucosal barrier and decreasing intestinal permeability; providing numerous health benefits. When taken orally, probiotics pass through the gut and attach to and colonise the intestinal and urogenital mucosa, where they inhibit bacterial pathogens by ‘competitive exclusion’, via:
• Competition for limited nutrients;
• Producing lactic acid and substances called bacteriocins, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi;
• Producing biosurfactants that can prevent pathogenic (bad) bacteria from adhering to the epithelium;
• Inhibiting the translocation of bacteria across the intestinal mucosa, by strengthening the epithelial barrier.
• Some of the lactobacilli species, which include L-acidophilus, L-rhamnosus and L-casei (one of the best) also produce hydrogen peroxide, which is bactericidal to the vaginal pathogen Gardnerella vaginalis.
• Replacing and creating a safe environment for the body’s normal flora to flourish.
Probiotic genus, species and strains differ in specific metabolic activities and individually don’t inhibit the full range of pathogenic bacteria and fungi. Therefore, many researchers theorise that probiotic preparations containing several genera and species might offer more benefit than a single species. Clinical studies have also helped to establish which genera and species are more beneficial for specific problems and the number of probiotic units required for efficacy.

Provides a broad spectrum of probiotics to re-establish the intestinal flora and reduce unwanted pathogenic colonies for a wide range of health benefits.
Clinical studies have identified the following species as beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome – IBS: Lactobacilli plantarum – 2-4 billion daily; Bifidobacteria infantis – 2-8 billion daily. IBS 8 has therefore been formulated to provide more of these two species, whilst still being supported by a broad-based probiotic blend.
Contains four genera, providing 10 strains, totalling 305 million for a healthy, balanced intestinal ecology. Fibre with pre- and probiotics and enzymes provides a synergetic benefit to improve immunity and general health and assist with IBS, candida control, flora balance, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating, flatulence and stomach cramps.
Formulated with enzymes, all with documented clinical effectiveness for digestion, cholesterol and blood sugar levels and weight management.
• It contains Lactospore®;
• Stable at room temperature for over two years;
• Naturally micro-encapsulated for stability;
• Proliferates within the GI tract;
• Produces L(+) lactic acid only;
• Aids in protein, lipid and carbohydrate digestion;
• Documented clinical effectiveness for digestive problems and reduction of cholesterol and blood sugar levels;
• Compatible with nutrients and antibiotics;
• Excellent safety record – GRAS status (generally accepted as safe);
• USA and Japanese FDA approved probiotic deposited with American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) – number 7050.
• Provides numerous health benefits.