Living Intentionally in an Ecovillage ‘We regard our living together not as an unfortunate mishap warranting endless competition among us, but as a deliberate act of God to make us a community of brothers and sisters jointly involved in the quest for a composite...
Wavelength: My Brilliant Burden I never believed in depression or any mental illness and was convinced it was all in the mind, and that your mind has the ability to conquer anything. In fact, when my late brother, Barak showed signs of depression and started taking...
What dying taught me and how I was wrong “Colleen, we’re going to cut your head open… from here to here,” my doctor said, tracing his finger along my hairline from ear to ear. He shared how they would open the front of my face to remove the egg-size benign fibrous...
Editor’s Note: Autumn Edition 2023 no. 241 Self-reflection can be defined as “meditation or serious thought about one’s actions and motives.” For me, autumn is always a time of reflection. As the leaves begin to change colour, the days get shorter, leaves fall...
Earthing – Quantum Physics in Practice Nature contact for root chakra anchoring Lilies grow in mud and water, to flourish in earth’s abundance and air for oxygen, carbon dioxide release and the abundance of nature, all encompassed within the SourceField....
Modern Shamans and Shamankas keepers of spiritual knowledge and practices of the ancient masters Our first recorded glimpse of what was to become known a shamanic practice, accessing the spiritual knowledge of all ages, labelled shamans (men) and shamankas (female) by...