by Evelyn Alessandri | Oct 24, 2020 | Print Articles, Spiritual Living, Spring 2020
Our outside world might be changing drastically at the moment, but it’s our inside world that guides us through these changes, with either difficulty or resilience. How much time do you spend working on your inner strength? Do you take time out to do things that make...
by Alani Keiser | Oct 24, 2020 | Holistic Living, Print Articles, Spring 2020
When wanting to solve a challenge, we often reach for the quickest solution for best results, because we want to feel great. These quick solutions may offer amazing promises on a short-term basis, but rarely provide you with a long-term maintenance resolution that is...
by Celeste Du Toit | Oct 24, 2020 | Print Articles, Spiritual Living, Spring 2020
You hold the mystery of the universe within your physical body.From Bringers of the Dawn, by Barbara Marciniak. One day Karen came home from work with a rash. At first hardly more than an itch, over the course of the next month it became progressively worse. Night...
by Gabriele Kritzinger | Oct 24, 2020 | Conscious Living, Print Articles, Spring 2020
When he finally left me for another woman I fell apart. The weight of my pain sunk me into the depths of a depression like I’d never known before. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t bear leaving my rented apartment, couldn’t tolerate the taste of food in my mouth. My sorrow and...
by Anthea Pretorius | Oct 24, 2020 | Conscious Living, Print Articles, Spring 2020
Self-advocacy is the ability you acquire, as you mature, to know your strengths and weaknesses. It means that you take charge of yourself, your thoughts, your attitudes and your decisions and that you are prepared to accept the consequences of both good and bad...
by Ed and The OM Team | Oct 24, 2020 | Conscious Living, Print Articles, Spring 2020
“May the dreams you dream today, be the life you live tomorrow” You are amazing. You are the creation of yourself. You are that which creates. You are the choice to experience existence – beingness. The only limit to what you can be is your self-belief and your...