Rickie Meryl Freedman invites Reiki Master Teachers to bring her workshop ‘Teaching Kids Reiki the “ReikiKids” Way ~ For Parents, Reiki Practitioners and Teachers‘ to South Africa or to purchase her child-friendly Reiki colouring and activity book, which is just like a ReikiKids class!
My journey with ReikiKids began with my own children. I started learning Reiki when they were eight years old. I shared Reiki with each of them as I settled them into bed. Ron loved it when I blended in Reiki as I rubbed his back. Ryan, my sensitive child, could feel it when I added the intention of Reiki and he knew it would put him to sleep. Whenever he was hurting, he would say: “Mommy, put your hands right here and DON’T MOVE!” When Ryan was 20 years old, he transitioned to Spirit. The first time I walked back into the healing room of my Reiki practice I was still deeply grieving. The Reiki Healing Principles came to me and literally spoke to me, asking: “Are these just words, or are you really going to choose to live by this now?” This was my ‘Choice Point’ – to step forward as a Healing Presence for others. Ryan has continued to inspire me as my heavenly helper, including giving me the title to a workshop I offer: ‘From Grief to Gratitude’. While on a trip to the healing, powerful red rocks of Sedona, Arizona, he inspired my Reiki Rickie Shares ReikiKids colouring/activity book and the corresponding virtual workshop ‘Teaching Kids Reiki the “ReikiKids” Way ~ For Parents, Reiki Practitioners and Teachers‘.
My heart-felt intention in creating the ReikiKids programme is to allow other Reiki teachers to be able to develop their own programmes. I envision this worldwide in schools, daycare centres and libraries. I love the idea of Reiki families doing their self-healing together and sharing more love and peace in our world. My hope is to bring the Reiki experience of inner peace to as many people as possible in every walk of life.
“Reiki is like the warmth of the rays of the sun and the key to opening all the love in your heart.” Rickie Meryl Freedman
Rickie Freedman is an international Reiki Master/Teacher, mentor, speaker, Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and author. She created ‘Reiki by Rickie – ReikiSpace and Learning Place‘ in 2008 in Harrisburg, PA, USA. Contact Rickie at Rickie@ReikiByRickie.com
ReikiByRickie.com/products/reikikids/ Reiki Rickie Shares ReikiKids is available on Amazon