There are three things that I stand by: Know Thyself, so you may honour your know; the Truth will set you Free; and the Divine lives within You!
In April, I embarked on my first Vision Quest, a pilgrimage for my soul. In all honesty, I can tell you that I descended from that mountain a profoundly changed woman. The one who walked up to sit in her nest for four days without food, water, or shelter was not the same as the one who came down.
The call to quest was so strong that I felt its vibration in every cell of my being, reminiscent of the day I received the call to become a shamanic practitioner. When I returned home, I embraced the stillness and the oneness; I was the void, the space between the space. It was there that I came to understand: I am a creation, a fragment of the Divine Light. We all are. We are one.
There is no separation between us, only the illusions we create within our minds. My vision is clear: Medicine is for the people.
I am an awakener, a guide for those seekers who choose to align with their unique vibration. My mission is to seed the light, empowering you to unlock the key to release dense energies and step into the frequencies of your Divine Self.
I invite you to walk with me on the greatest journey you will ever embark on — the journey to Know Thyself. I know the struggles, the doubts and the fears that you face. I’ve walked that path and now I walk the path of balance and connect with the ancient teachings to guide you to your life of freedom.
These teachings and wisdoms are not relics of the past; they are living, breathing tools that we can use in our modern lives to transform and reconnect with the source of all within ourselves. It’s about daring to rock the boat, knowing that staying in calm waters doesn’t guarantee you won’t sink. True growth comes from facing the waves and embracing the journey with courage and conviction.
I am based in the Wilderness, Garden Route and offer both online and in-person offerings and ceremonies. Connect with me on Facebook and other platforms as I vow to speak my truth and share my transformation, channelled messages and food for thought from an open heart. I look forward to connecting with you and trust that, when it is divinely guided, our paths will meet at a ceremony, workshop, talk, or another sacred gathering.
I am here to walk this path with you, to share the light and guide you towards your own internal vision quest. Embrace the journey, find your truth and honour the Divine within you.
Blessings, Beams of Light,
Cerise MaartensÂ
Mother Angel Seeds the Light
Aho Mitakuye Oyasin