Shift Your Alignment, Access Your Greatest Potential

Shift Your Alignment, Access Your Greatest Potential
by Ed and The OM Team | Digitorials, Print Articles, Spring 2021

I am a born spiritual intuitive, having had my first spiritual awakening at the age of eight. It seems only natural that my life path would lead me to being a soul-led intuitive coach, healer and instructor. My intuition is my superpower and using it every day to enrich and expand lives is an absolute honour. Having always had an interest in all things spiritual and esoteric, I was assisted by ThetaHealing® in making sense of everything. I discovered how to meditate more easily, connect with my guides, angels and ancestors, develop my intuition, start reprogramming my subconscious and understand my limiting beliefs, all using the ThetaHealing technique. I now not only understand more of who I am and my depths, but I have a global business supporting clients and students to understand their programming, attune their intuition and shift their alignment into experiencing their greatest potential.

What is ThetaHealing? ThetaHealing is a meditation technique and is ancient knowledge that we are now rediscovering. It is a highly versatile energy healing and personal development modality that empowers you for positive change. Through a range of techniques, the subconscious mind can be reprogrammed from the limiting beliefs and feelings that are holding you back from happiness, love, wellness, prosperity and abundance.

What is a ThetaHealing Session? I invite you to take this journey. ThetaHealing is the lead technique I use to assist your transformation. It aligns you with your conscious ideas and desires, so your life transforms into one that is filled with, joy, wellness, health, abundance and prosperity. It is a powerful modality to unlearn and break habits, to heal deep wounds, learn unknown feelings and release old patterns that paralyse you and keep you stuck. There are two ways you can experience ThetaHealing. One is to book a ThetaHealing session; the other is to take a ThetaHealing course.

Learn the ThetaHealing Technique If you decide you are interested in taking the ThetaHealing certification course, you can do it to enhance your personal experience or to add a great modality as a career choice. This technique is open to anyone who believes in a life force and it will assist you to obtain your own self-improvement, expand your knowledge and align you with your own divinity.

Who is this for? This is for you, if you want to follow a soul calling as an intuitive or healer, have an interest in all things spiritual, meditation, crystals, angels, Yoga and all things wellness and have an interest in and want to learn subconscious belief reprogramming. You want to create an abundant life while serving the world. You feel stuck with a need for change in your life without clarity about your future. You have a want and need to uplevel your own consciousness and grow in a new way.

Private Coaching, ThetaHealing® Sessions and Courses: For more information on available sessions and courses offered and to set up a discovery call to unpack the best available method for your expansion visit

Quote the code Align888 when enquiring to receive a 20 per cent site-wide discount (available on sessions, courses, packages and programmes until 31 January 2022).

Ed and The OM Team


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