Brett Shuttleworth, Master of the Free Shares his awakening story of love. Brett Shuttleworth is the founder of Smiling Soul Creations, which includes transformational retreats, a coaching academy and transformational and mentorship programmes. In a world craving...
Awaken to your true purpose; it’s not something we’re meant to do. “My confession is that I’ve been wrong about everything,” I shared with the crowd gathered to hear me speak at the wonderful Odyssey KZN Spirit Festival recently. “Everything...
Dancing with your Shadow and the Eclipse Conversations with Kuthumi and Celestial Companions I AM Kuthumi, and I come forward upon the Rays of Love and Wisdom to greet and gift unto thee a blessing of awakening. Dearly beloved beings of the light, the dimmer and the...
Coming Back from the Brink Near Death Experiences One phenomenon that would seem to be able to shed light on the relationship between mind and body is the NDE. Many individuals, when faced with a life-threatening emergency, have reported strange experiences in which...
Blissexology – Sense You Wellness When pleasure is held as sacred energy “When bliss and pleasure is held sacred, it can be a deeply spiritual experience.” Opening yourself to experiencing fully this sort of bliss and pleasure often begins with a revamping and...
Poseidon, the ruler of the ocean of emotion I was sparked by Steve Hurt’s article on Poseidon and the ancient gods in the Summer 2023 Edition of Odyssey. I wanted to share what I have learnt – that Poseidon is more than just the god of the ocean. I have a particular...