What dying taught me and how I was wrong “Colleen, we’re going to cut your head open… from here to here,” my doctor said, tracing his finger along my hairline from ear to ear. He shared how they would open the front of my face to remove the egg-size benign fibrous...
Modern Shamans and Shamankas keepers of spiritual knowledge and practices of the ancient masters Our first recorded glimpse of what was to become known a shamanic practice, accessing the spiritual knowledge of all ages, labelled shamans (men) and shamankas (female) by...
Beloved Shaman Shamanism knows and breathes nature in her entirety. Shamanism is fed by the spirit of nature and in return it feeds nature’s spirit. The shaman and nature are like one breath, they inhale and exhale one another throughout time. This breath is a bond of...
Goodbye Roo My journey with my animal companion at the end of his life – by Carolyn Chilton Casas When our daughter was in elementary school, she chose a kitten to bring home, which she named Roo, after the baby kangaroo in the Winnie-the-Pooh stories. When she...
Conversations with KuthumiLetter to the Lightworkers The sum total of who you areDear ones, as you enter through the portal of the Life-Giving Force Field kicking and screaming (as it is very traumatic to be birthed here), you take on an intended divine imprint of...
Walking with the MastersThe Master – Disciple Relationship The days of personal messages and attention given by masters to individual disciples undergoing preliminary or probationary training are something of the past and have been so for some time. Those who work on...