Most people know what stress, anxiety, burn-out, fatigue and depression are like. Whether you have experienced it temporarily or long term, we can all agree, it’s not too much fun. Deadlines, performance targets, competition and judgment exacerbate the problem.
There are many treatments and methods available to assist us with dealing with stress, but what we don’t realise is that, once we have decided we are stressed, suffering from anxiety and so on, we have now labelled our ‘condition’ and the mind then has to kick in to provide evidence that we are stressed. In addition, the effects of these thoughts then show up in the body, which really confirms to us that we are stressed or anxious. Physical symptoms (amongst many) could be sweaty palms, shaking hands, racing heart rate, insomnia. You are stuck in this perpetual wheel of reaffirming to yourself every day that you are stressed, it just gets worse and not better.
People together in a work environment, all dealing with stressful situations, are aware of each other’s stress and, without realising, may also be taking it on from each other. We are aware of the vibe or moods of other people and we pick it up energetically. For example, if you walk into a boardroom you sense if the mood is serious or jovial even before you enter or – another example – you arrive at work in a great mood and within a couple of hours you are grumpy and irritable. If you are not actively acknowledging that you are aware of the energies of other people’s thoughts, feelings and emotions, somehow you automatically assume they are yours and this creates more stress and this affects the body. And when you are stuck with these conclusions and presumptions, the mind is unable to perceive a way out.
What if you could start trusting yourself again? What if you could start making choices that contribute to your future instead of reinventing the past? A novel perspective on stress – and methods available to change the underlying causes – is available to you.
One of the brilliant tools of Access Consciousness is to question at all times. When you question everything, you interrupt the continuous overthinking that is just confirming and proving that you are stressed and this opens up a possibility for something else to occur. For example, if your mind doesn’t have to prove or defend a point of view, new ideas can pop up or you can choose a different direction or avenue that contributes to a totally different outcome.
Don’t wear the ‘stress’ label – change the conversation
What am I aware of?
Does everything I am aware of belong to me?
Who does this belong to?
What is triggering my stress?
What am I reacting to?
Access Consciousness also has an amazing treatment called Access Bars®. The first Access Bars session was facilitated by Gary Douglas of Access Consciousness over 30 years ago.
The client lies or sits down on a gravity chair (or massage table) and the facilitator lightly touches different points on the head (32 points). During a Bars session, most clients experience a sense of ease and peace – and deep relaxation. When lightly touched, the Bars points stimulate a positive neurological response in the recipient. This appears to trigger the body’s natural ability to relax and facilitates the physiological changes required for greater wellbeing.
Access Bars quietens a racing mind, reduces stress and gives the brain a replenishing space. This space encourages creativity, an increase in productivity and the ability to harness one’s intuition and attention.
In just 30 minutes most people experience a deep sense of relaxation and relief from feeling overwhelmed and stressed. When you are relaxed you, you have access to everything you are aware of.
Access Consciousness recently initiated a worldwide programme introducing Bars in Business as a cutting edge method to reduce stress and prevent burn-out.
Last year in South Africa, we conducted four Bars in Business pilot studies in Cape Town and Johannesburg. Four employees per company or branch received 30-minute sessions each once a week for a period of four to six weeks.
Four employees were selected per company / branch for 30-minute sessions over four to six weeks.
We asked them to consider the following areas:
Stress levels; concentration/focus; memory; energy levels; sleep; health; creativity; deadlines/pressure; relationships (personal or professional); reactivity; other.
Here are the responses of 11 participants.
- I have not noticed any changes.
- The sessions have been great, really affording me a good 30 minutes of reset and release.
- I feel calmer, I’m not so reactive to situations and realise I’m more in control.
- Have done one so far and felt really relaxed and more focused since then.
- Concentration and focus levels have improved as well as energy levels.
- Sleep improved, calmer mindset
- Definite change in stress levels; not getting anxiety as much as usual
- I feel energy levels are increasing and I’m not waking up tired
- Definitely feeling more present in doing everyday tasks, whether work or personal. Living in the moment more and more.
- Less stressed, sleeping better, feeling less pressure
- Memory and energy levels improving
Employee wellness, work-life-balance, freedom and flexibility bolsters preferred employers
In addition to Access Bars® we also have a wide range of different empowerment and stress release programmes .Ask: What if employees could start trusting themselves and their intuition? What contribution could this make to teamwork, collaboration between employees and cohesive creation?
One of our customers an accounting firm, Ireland, stated:
“In changing times, programmes like this are important for business and particularly staff retention and managing stress levels. We chose the “The Bars in Business” wellness programme for our employees and found it very beneficial. Each session was different and lasted three to four hours. It was very helpful for our business as it improved staff morale and engagement and created a more relaxed work environment.
Research was conducted in 2015 by leading neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey Fannin et al. who examined the neurological effects of the Access Bars on 60 participants. By measuring brain waves on people before and after a Bars session, this research revealed similar effects on brain coherence, where 85 per cent of participants indicated an increase in coherence. Additionally, he discovered that Access Bars has a positive neurological effect on the recipient similar to that experienced by advanced meditators and it produces these results immediately. Review of Access Bars by Neuroscientist Dr. Jeffrey L. Fannin –
Some results of this research study indicated:
• The severity of anxiety symptoms were reduced by 84.7 per cent on average.
• The severity of depression symptoms were reduced by 82.7 per cent on average.
• All participants showed an increase in brain coherence.
Dr. Terrie Hope, PhD. DNM conducted scientific research on the effects of Access Bars® on anxiety and depression, published in the Journal of Energy Psychology in 2017.
Dr. Hope also found that participants who, before the 90-minute Access Bars session,
reported a sense of past failure, self-criticism, loss of pleasure and agitation, all reported 100 per cent of these symptoms were resolved after the session. Find out more in the Dr Dain Heer and Dr Terrie Hope Interview –

For more information please contact your Bars in Business Partners: Jenny Watkins or Cindy Greeff: or go to: