Co-creating superabundance from a spiritual and metaphysical perspective
What can we begin to do right now to help us set-into-motion ‘superabundance consciousness’ for 2025 and beyond that will propel us into the cosmic dance of superabundance? This article will offer the necessary spiritual insights to help us take energetic charge of our consciousness and remold it to a state of receptivity, flow, generosity, grace and thanksgiving – (just some of the qualities of superabundance) so that we will attract and create superabundance within our daily lives.
Superabundance is due to a heart/mind balance
Superabundance often translates into the concept of ‘plenty’ and of ‘having more than enough’. This kind of superabundance is due to a state of expansion, growth and movement. For anything to appear as such within the mirror of our physical life experience, then we first need an expansive mindset (ideas, beliefs and perceptions) that are also in balanced harmony with our heart and soul’s desires and goals. If our heart and soul energy is in spiritual alignment and agreement with our ideas, beliefs and perceptions, then we naturally place ourselves in the flow of all the good that the universe has to offers us, in terms of opportunities, synchronistic meetings with others and general good luck blessings of abundance that we are able to attract and create with greater ease.
Scarcity consciousness
When our mindset is continuously focused upon everything that’s going wrong within our life and going wrong with us, our personal conflicts, our family stress, our relationship troubles, our money struggles and the list goes on, then we lose heart, our energy plummets and our outlook has shifted to expecting a negative report of our life as we seemly meet one challenge after another. What we complain about, worry about, are overly stressed about generates as an energetic imprint within our aura, energy bodies and fields. We are now resisting the flow of good and of naturally attracting and creating potential opportunities that lead to us to superabundance. We may even unwittingly become in greater harmony with scarcity consciousness – a consciousness of lack, of loss and of missed chances – that can lead us further away from superabundance.
Transformation of consciousness
To have superabundance we need to ‘be superabundant’ and this way of ‘being and expressing’ will begin to create energetic shifts that start transforming our overall consciousness, releasing and transmuting old patterns and limited ways of thinking, feeling and reacting into more aligned ways of seeing the world from a mindset rooted in abundance, possibility and limitless potential. But how exactly do we start ‘being superabundant’ and how can we tap into this flow of wealth, health, joy and potential opportunities that the universe has to offer?
Understanding that superabundance is more than just the accumulation of material wealth can help us to shift away from simply wanting to focus only on prosperity consciousness. Superabundance is a state of being in which we experience the overflow of resources – whether financial, emotional, or spiritual – constantly flowing into our lives. Superabundance aligns with harmonious friendships, emotional support, spiritual understanding, positive beliefs and positive actions that lead us to synchronistic events. From the perspective of metaphysics and spirituality, superabundance is less about ‘getting more’ and more about aligning yourself with the infinite, ever-present flow of the universe – which also aligns to the cosmic energies of love, harmony and balance.
The spiritual concept of abundance
The concept of abundance is rooted in many spiritual traditions. From the Christian idea of ‘divine provision’ to the Buddhist notion of ‘samsara’ (the flow of all things in the universe), the idea that the universe provides for those in alignment with its flow is a universal truth in many teachings. Superabundance, at its core, means recognising that there is enough for everyone. It is the belief that you are inherently worthy of all that life has to offer, that there is no shortage of love, wealth, opportunity, or energy when you are open and aligned with the qualities and attributes of abundance.
Qualities and attributes of superabundance
To be and express the qualities and attributes of superabundance, the first step is shifting away from a mindset of scarcity to a mindset of superabundance. A scarcity mindset is grounded in fear, fear of not having enough, fear of losing what you already have, fear of missing out. This fear-based approach keeps people trapped in cycles of worry, overwork and competition. Scarcity suggests that resources are limited, that life’s opportunities are finite and that success for one person takes away success and opportunity from another.
In contrast, the mindset, qualities and attributes of superabundance are rooted in trust and faith that there is always more than enough. It’s about understanding that the universe is inherently generous and that we are an integral part of it. When we act from this place of trust and harmony with nature, then we find that opportunities, support and unexpected blessings flow toward us, often in ways we couldn’t have predicted. The following 7 steps will guide you towards being superabundant and attracting and creating it within your life.
Five steps to superabundance
Here are five spiritual and metaphysical practices that can help you to open yourself up to a life of superabundance and to have a blessed and fulfilling 2025
- An attitude of gratitude: Superabundance starts with appreciation for what is already present in your life. Through self-awareness and contemplation, focus on the small blessings that surround you. Your gratitude creates a very powerful energetic vibration for shifting your energy into a consciousness of superabundance. We are training our minds to focus on what we have rather than what we lack. This subtle shift creates a ripple effect, attracting more to be thankful for.
- Talking to the universe: Words are powerful tools of creation and communicating with the universe can help us to align with superabundance. The following statements can help you to harmonise with superabundance: “I attract all that I need effortlessly with grace and ease”; “The universe is superabundant and I am part of the universe, therefore I am also superabundant”; “I flow and dance with the universe for the greatest good of all concerned”. This positive chat with the universe helps to shift your thoughts and emotions toward superabundance. This process aligns your thoughts with your desires, sending out a clear signal to the universe about what you are ready to receive.
- Creative visualisation: Creative visualisation is another metaphysical tool that can help create the life of your dreams. By vividly imagining yourself living in a state of superabundance, then you will begin to bring that inner vision into physical reality. The mind doesn’t differentiate between imagined and real experiences, so by consistently visualising abundance, you help to draw it into your life. One of the best ways to visualise what you want is to add ‘light’ to your imagined desires. See the light of the sun superimposed over any image you are ready to bring into reality. This is a powerful manifesting secret of spiritual healing.
- Clearing limiting beliefs: Often, we hold subconscious beliefs about money, success, or worthiness that block the flow of superabundance. These beliefs are typically formed in childhood, yet they can be genetically inherited, or as a result of societal conditioning. Practices like energy clearing can address the limiting beliefs and clear and transform them into new positive and supportive ones. An example of this is: “At its point of origin I clear and neutralise the negative belief of ‘money is the root of all evil’ and transform that belief into ‘money can bring many blessings’.” Be creative and play around with your energy clearing statements.
5. Living with meaning and purpose: To truly tap into superabundance, it’s important to live a life aligned with your higher purpose, ideals and what brings deeper meaning into your life. Superabundance works best when you live your life in alignment with your soul’s calling. When we are living authentically and in harmony with our true purpose, we naturally attract the resources, people and opportunities that support that journey. Ask yourself: What makes my heart sing and my soul want to dance? What can I do to make a positive difference to my life and in the lives of others? How can I add my light to the world? Remember that you are unique and the world is blessed to have you existing here and being yourself here, right now!
Joanne Brocas is a number one award winning and bestselling author of Angel Prayers and Angel Medicine. Joanne is an intuitive healer and energy clearing expert with 30+ years’ experience. Joanne offers energy clearing services, classes, workshops and more from her website. You can find out more by visiting