The great ozone debate
Ozone is not a drug and it is not a magic bullet. It is a therapeutic tool of great power which can aid the body in regaining health. However, in the end, it is the immune system that heals the body. The immune system is controlled by the midbrain, the limbic system, through the thymus. The limbic system also controls the emotions. If the emotions are disrupted, the immune system is suppressed. Every serious disease has an emotional component. If this is not dealt with, physical treatments will have little or no effect.Â
- Inactivates viruses; oxidises bacteria, yeast, fungi, parasites, protozoa, cancer cells;
- Stimulates the immune system, speeds healing;
- Cleans arteries and veins, improving circulation;Â
- Purifies the blood and the lymph;Â
- Oxidises toxins, facilitating their excretion;Â
- Normalises hormone and enzyme production;Â
- Reduces inflammation;Â
- Reduces pain, calms nerves;Â
- Prevents shock;Â
- Prevents stroke damage;Â
- Reduces cardiac arrhythmia;Â
- Improves brain function and memory;Â
- Scavenges free radicals;Â
- Chelates heavy metals, working well in conjunction with EDTA;Â
- Stimulates production of protective cell enzymes.
Ozone is a therapeutic tool of great power which can aid the body in regaining health. However, in the end, it is the immune system that heals the body. The immune system is controlled by the midbrain, the limbic system, through the thymus. The limbic system also controls the emotions. If the emotions are disrupted, the immune system is suppressed. Every serious disease has an emotional component. If this is not dealt with, physical treatments will have little or no effect.
Research by Dr. Glen Rein at the Heartmath Institute has shown that the thymus, the general of the army of the immune system, is regulated by sympathetic resonance with the heartbeat. By measurement with an electrocardiogram, Dr. Rein was able to show that irregular heartbeat, as caused by emotional upset, produced erratic thymus function, which suppressed the immune system. Dr. Rein also found that it was possible to train people to control their heartbeat through biofeedback and raise their level of immune function.
Since ozone has a well-known calming and analgesic effect and is used as a treatment for arrhythmia, ozone therapy causing restoration of heartbeat regularity plays an important role in enhancing the immune system, along with stimulating production of interleukin-2 and gamma interferon. Prolonged use of ozone enhances the immune system by contributing to calm, even heartbeat, produced by a well-oxygenated heart pumping clean, bright red blood through plaque-free arteries. By using the ozone steam cabinet, the person easily enters into a calm and relaxed state of mind, which facilitates the unearthing of deep-seated emotional problems by a skilled therapist. The resolution of such problems often has a greater importance in the re-attainment of health than all other therapies.
Exercise is also an important adjunct to ozone therapy and must not be overlooked. The lymph system contains the majority of the water in the body and since the lymph system has no pump like the heart, the lymph tends to become toxic and sluggish. The use of a rebounder (mini trampoline) followed by the ozone steam cabinet will go a long way towards cleaning the lymph. A holistic approach should include work on the psyche, exercise and nutrition, as well as ozone. The combination of ozone, exercise, nutrition and emotional calm should ensure greater vitality and fewer degenerative diseases in our ageing population as we enter the 21st century – and at an affordable cost.
Oxygen is the most vital element required for human life and it is the key to good health. We can survive without water for a week and go without food for a month, but we can only live a few minutes without oxygen. Oxygen is the life-giving, life-sustaining element. All body activities require oxygen. Through oxidation, the body generates heat and energy from its fuel and disposes of wastes and microbes.
Our bodies are two-thirds water. Since the water in our bodies is itself 8/9 oxygen by weight, we are therefore composed of nearly 60 per cent oxygen. The best way to optimise health is to oxygenate every cell in our body. The more oxygen we have in our system, the more energy we produce and the more efficiently we can eliminate wastes. Good health is dependent on the production, maintenance and flow of energy, which is produced by the oxidation of sugar. Oxidation is central to metabolism, circulation, respiration, digestion, assimilation and elimination. Oxygen purifies the blood, keeping it free of cellular waste buildup. Sufficient oxygen allows the body to rebuild itself and maintain the immune system. The basic requirements for each cell are sugar, amino acids, minerals, hormones, enzymes and oxygen.
The link between insufficient oxygen and disease has been firmly established. Insufficient oxygen can result in anything from mild fatigue to life-threatening disease.
Dr. Otto Warburg was awarded a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1931 and again in 1944, the only person to win two Nobels in medicine. He said, “Cancer has only one prime cause. The prime cause of cancer is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of body cells by an anaerobic (oxygenless) cell respiration.”
Once the level of oxygen available to a cell drops below 40 per cent of normal, the cell is forced to switch to an inferior method of energy production – fermentation. The cell then loses its governor on replication. It produces ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)that is inferior in quantity and quality and its wastes are lactic acid and carbon monoxide. The acidity surrounding it can be the trigger for T-cells to release enzyme growth factors. Stimulated by EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor), the anaerobic cell begins to replicate wildly, a condition we call cancer. If a parasite is involved in the area, the acidity is greater and the cancer growth even more rapid.
Dr. Warburg pointed out that any substance that deprived a cell of oxygen was a carcinogen, if the cell was not killed outright. He stated in 1966 that it was useless to search out new carcinogens, because the end result of each one was the same, cellular deprivation of oxygen. He further stated that the incessant search for new carcinogens was counter-productive because it obscured the prime cause – lack of oxygen – and therefore prevented appropriate treatment.
The National Cancer Institute endorsed Dr. Warburg’s findings in 1952. This research was continued by Dr. Harry Goldbatt, who published his findings in the Journal of Experimental Medicine in 1953. His research confirmed that lack of oxygen plays the major role in causing cells to become cancerous.Â
Oxygen plays the primary role in health and wellbeing. It is important to note that fear, worry and depression all interfere with free breathing and thus reduce oxygen uptake. Disease can then result. Ed. Excerpts from: The Story of Ozone Dr. Saul Pressman.
Heleen Elizabeth is a detox specialist, herbalist, on-line coach, food activist and a speaker. She facilitates on-line detoxes and workshops on her platform Anouthen Infinite Wellness, teaching this radical healing protocol and supporting humans as they go through their healing events. She is one of the Transformational Speakers at the KwaZulu Spirit Festival – catch her Sunday morning the 23rd of July at 9am whnshe will talk about Radical Cellular Regeneration. At the Anouthen stall she will have her self-designed herbal formulas available and do Live Iridology readings. Connect with her via WhatsApp 078 537 8908 or find her on-line –; @anouthen_infinite_wellness on Instagram; @anouthen on Facebook