Conversations with Kuthumi
Greetings I am Kuthumi.
Beloved ones, as your friend I conduct my energy through this being to be able to share with you in words that which your Higher Self communicates to you in frequency.
Known or unbeknown, a new doorway awaits, beyond which an enhanced frequency (timeline) greets you. This doorway of your (sacred) heart allows entry into your divine essence. This leads to planes beyond your personal Golden Pyramid. This higher heart-mind frequency is overseen by your Over Soul / Higher Self.
A new frequency brings new energy
This is the promise of the ‘new’ codes of enlightenment bestowed upon you. You experienced this recently first hand, your authentic exciting Angel Warrior Codes. It’s an amalgamation of previous codes. It is light, liquid and alchemical! The current energy finally flings the doorway to the Aquarian Age wide open and we are here with you!
The planet blesses you with its eternal elemental codes. Unlike Lightworkers, most are rather oblivious of these divine gifts of nature. The only blessing about being oblivious is discovering that you no longer are!
Expect the unexpected
As this frequency aligns with the essence of Pluto moving fully into the Aquarian energy, it brings with it a new promise of great revelations such as clarity on many things you couldn’t find surety about. Things that troubled you but couldn’t quite put your finger on yet felt the need to understand.
It reveals the ‘bliss of the unknown’. Aquarius is all about newness – discoveries, technologies and modernising things with an upshift in frequency. It also brings to the fore things you shy away from. That which no longer serves you will reveal itself in many different ways!
Mostly this will present itself in non-offensive ways at first, but unexpected curve balls reveal the indifferent side to the Aquarian energy. That cold shoulder who irritatingly snubs. The absent-mindedness that ‘wanders off in mind’ whilst engaging in conversation, to return innocently without recollection. This shared ‘fragment’ will be evident on all levels.
These are your ‘new’ grounding years of this frequency. You are entering the greatest transition ever, which presents a new profound way of looking at all things differently, with inner sight.
As 2025’s ‘9’ numerology brings things to a close, a new timeline awaits. 2026, albeit the start of a new cycle, also brings a powerful transformative three-year process to a close, SO EXPECT BIG CHANGES from now on, BIG revelations.
If there ever was a time to embrace change it is NOW. Your experiences of the past 24 or so years created this doorway. For most, it has been a time of ‘deep surges’, feeling as if you are dragging your feet and facing constant challenges. Many are still opting out of this density.
2006/7 played a significant part in what is happening now, as many face similar transitions.
Be brave, break down the high walls that surround you, then dismantle the fences beyond that. Let go of self-inflicted obstacles set deliberately to keep everyone away.
Pull the drawbridge down and empty your moat!
It is time to unveil the New You which was initiated in 2012. It’s all about alchemy, discovering the renewed you, as in juxtapose and paradox there is nothing new.
The Aquarian Age Gateway reveals ‘never before discoveries’ including much you never knew about your amazing magical self. Up to now many still felt the heavy stubbornness of the ‘old’ preventing passage into the new, especially over the past 18 months.
Close the door on rigidity and dogma. Although becoming anew means working on yourself, the frequency has shifted from ‘I must’ to ‘I want’. Laugh at your setbacks. Let go of the insecurities you’ve locked yourself within. Open your wings and become the Human Angel that you are!
This is a rebirth into your desired timeline!
If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got.
Put this into practice. Creating the life you dream of may not be an easy ride without complications. But see those complications as opportunities instead of stumbling blocks. Let go of the instability within the emotional body especially. This will support the mental body to expand beyond lower understanding. Integrate this into your new frequency, the discovery of (as you must have heard) your awakening chromosome pairs and ‘junk’ DNA! It’s all there!
Now is the time for that which you always considered ‘junk and dormant’ to unveil new perceptions!
Unbelievable? No beloveds. You are gifted with enhanced building blocks to transcend your consciousness from survival to living life to the fullest.
Love is in the air!
Amethyst, violet and emerald frequencies are blasted throughout this planet, not only by the master overseers but by every one of YOU who experienced the many activations and initiations! This happens at a beautifully blissful oblivious level (smirk). You, the planetary Lightworkers are doing this and there are many, many, millions of you!
Your collective is shifting and expanding ALL the time. The average frequency of the ‘general brain wave’ is shifting to accommodate the new energy, so they too may ‘consciously’ discover newness in the mundane and dare to explore what lies beyond their yellow brick road. Beloveds, so that they too may in their expansive mind and dream astral state, discover their golden doorway, thus become conscious about consciousness!
These transformation codes emanate from you naturally, the Earth Keepers, with every move you make (hands and feet), every breath you take, every thought you entertain and every word you speak. This is what you’ve been trained for. To integrate newness and to understand the recalibration transition from the old into the new and spread it!
This will support the planet’s collective in working with this energy. Become aware of the senses of Gaia, the elements of the Earth. The essence of the winds of change, water which carries and reacts to thought, frequency and memory, fire which changes, disperses and brings new life and air which allows all to come into being. All in support of rebirthing consciousness.
Embrace the blessings of this planet like your own. Take on your coat of many colours, your cloak of many fragments. The alchemist never ignores these senses along with their own; smell, taste, sight, touch, hear and knowing, not forgetting, your higher senses.
Work with the elementals, the sylphs (air), undines (water), gnomes (earth), salamanders and fire dragons (fire) to mention some. These beautiful creatures exist in interdimensional space which is becoming more evident as the veils become thinner between worlds. Set the intent for a ‘tune-up’ of your third eye as this energy is becoming prominent and ‘alive’ along your timeline of new discoveries!
From the millennium to 2012 was 12 years and from 2012 to the timeline of 2024, another 12 years. This energy you are entering into will be very similar to the post-2012 era.
We gave you many pointers at the time which some chose to ignore. To the dismay of many, from a collective point of view, the period that followed felt like an uncomfortable silence. We left the group we worked with back then in their sarcophagus for three months during their final 2012 initiation. We closed the lid and doorways to their initiation chambers, not for the faint of heart…
Beloveds, to survive in complete ‘darkness’ you must hold yourself in an enlightened state. Where your light shines, darkness cannot be! Your ascension chakras facilitate this by introducing a heightened state of consciousness whilst functioning consciously on any level. Hence, juggling third, fourth and fifth dimensional awareness and more.
We invited that group to ‘resurface’ three months later in 2013 with the hope of eliminating fear from their being – and many did! Beloveds, many of you, in your own way, faced similar fear levels since 2012. Many groups such as the one this channel worked with at the time laid cornerstone foundations for the past 12 years since 2012. We referred to them as the Golden Phoenix.
If this new timeline demands of you to become the Phoenix once more, to be reborn from your ashes again and again, do it fast, do it quickly, get over it and move on! Let go of all that robbed and restricted you from freely expressing yourself fully and completely. We will share various aspects of the new energy over time.
For those that follow our teachings about anchoring your sacred Golden Pyramid Sanctum, infuse as much emotion, frequency, senses, elements and whatever else you resonate with, making your visualisations as real as possible. That is how you enter into and traverse through your higher frequency Golden Door. ** Note – I will be starting online teachings about this soon – Chanel
A most important alchemical tool
Beloveds, visualise your pineal, pituitary, major brain nerve plexus (carotid and choroid), hypothalamus and thalamus in separate crystalline mother-of-pearl star tetrahedrons and spin their frequencies. This aids third eye activation on yet another level.
Star tetrahedron
Set the intent to tap into (gamma) cosmic energy (crystalline frequency) to aid the rewiring of your DNA! Connect to the Christ Consciousness crystalline grid to expand this. Tap into and awaken your dormant spiritual DNA, which will rewire your frequency magnificently!
Visualise etheric electromagnetic sparks emanating from the spinning third eye gateway glands filtering into all your bodies, rewiring your DNA. Address your DNA with INTENT and LOVE!
“I AM a Multifaceted Multi-dimensional Magical Magnificent Being of Light”
Let your cauldron of all possibilities brew something incredible for you! YOU came to push every button and rip open every envelope! Do so with LOVE.
Earth keepers
You are guardians of the New Earth Flames and New Earth DNA. With new frequencies comes a clearer understanding of timelines, some you are congruent with and some not. You will learn how to cope with multiple and then there are those timelines that entertain…
Until we meet again, I am Kuthumi, I am the Lord and Master Cohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom.
Invite Christ Consciousness within as without to guide your every way. Instead of panic call upon us. Call upon the universal flow of Light to, through the Cosmic Seas, bless unto you every opportunity that you so deserve. Let go of the restrictions of the mind that create insecurity and know that not now or not ever can you be alone. Adonai.