Listening to the heartbeat of the Divine ‘The candles are many, but the light is one.’ Rumi What’s not to love? I’m resident on Iona, the sacred isle off the west coast of Scotland, where the heartbeat of the island is measured in the ebb and flow of the tides, the...
Blissexology – Intimacy Beyond Sensuality My calling for the last 13 years has been to train intimacy coaches worldwide to help people professionally with their intimate lives. Travelling through surgery and illness in my specific field has been a true ‘blessing...
And, before we know, this year is in full swing and so are we. Or are we? Lots of “how did we get here? “, “where did time go?”, “I wonder what this year’s got up it’s sleeve” and, as we go through our motions and daily routines, we still nervously peep around the...
(Extra) Ordinary Success How much is enough? The richest one per cent took nearly twice as much wealth as the rest of the world put together over the last two years. While billionaires became $2.7 trillion richer than before the pandemic, with billionaire fortunes...
Living Intentionally in an Ecovillage ‘We regard our living together not as an unfortunate mishap warranting endless competition among us, but as a deliberate act of God to make us a community of brothers and sisters jointly involved in the quest for a composite...
What dying taught me and how I was wrong “Colleen, we’re going to cut your head open… from here to here,” my doctor said, tracing his finger along my hairline from ear to ear. He shared how they would open the front of my face to remove the egg-size benign fibrous...