Understanding the Different Forms of CBD for Health and Wellness

There is growing awareness about the possible health and wellness benefits of CBD (cannabidiol) and the various forms in which CBD can be taken. CBD is widely available in topicals, drops, oils, edible pastilles and capsules.

To begin with, understanding the various forms of CBD is extremely helpful when deciding which CBD is best suited to your needs – whether you are looking for relief from symptoms like anxiety, depression1, stress, muscular tension, restlessness, fatigue, or poor concentration.2

 CBD in Topical Form

In search of natural and safe pain relief options, many people are exploring CBD topicals. Topical CBD in the form of a gel, cream, ointment, or balm may assist with the relief of symptoms such as muscle pain and inflammation in the back and joints, arthritis, as well as minor sprains, strains, bumps and bruises.3

Interestingly, when CBD oil is applied to the skin it never reaches the bloodstream but can still be absorbed through the skin’s surface to interact with nearby cannabinoid receptors.4 Simply apply by spreading a thin layer to the affected area and rub in gently before washing your hands. In the case of treating swollen palms or fingers, leave for at least 30 minutes and then wash your hands.

 Beyond that, CBD topicals may also be beneficial for certain skin conditions such as acne, atopic dermatitis, scleroderma, pigmentation, itchy skin, eczema and psoriasis, due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to reduce sebum production.

 CBD In Drop Form 

CBD drops are proving to be a popular option. CBD in drop form consists of cannabinoid extracts that have been suspended in a carrier oil. This is usually medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), which are synthesised from coconut oil and palm oil, but can be other oils including hemp seed oil.6 CBD drops are an excellent choice for anyone who can’t take CBD in pill or capsule form. CBD drops offer a fast and effective way to get all the benefits of CBD, because cannabinoids are absorbed directly into your bloodstream. Peak blood levels for this method, which involves placing liquid drops of CBD under your tongue, have been measured within about two hours.

 A simple way to improve absorption is to hold the drops under your tongue for 20-30 seconds before swallowing. Aside from adding drops under the tongue, you can also consume CBD drops by adding a few drops to milk, water, or juice.8

CBD In Pastille Form 

If you are at all familiar with CBD chewable pastilles, you’ll know there is a rainbow of reasons why they make the ideal choice for your CBD needs. CBD pastilles are a fun (and yummy) way of getting the benefits of CBD. CBD pastilles are created to emulate candy. They taste just like a sweet treat and are the perfect alternative for those who want to experience CBD’s benefits, but shy away from the naturally strong flavour of CBD.  Pastilles come in pre-dosed bites, various colours and an assortment of delectable lemon-lime, mango, raspberry and strawberry flavours.  

It’s worth noting that when deciding on CBD pastilles, opt for ranges that are free from THC and tartrazine, laboratory tested and quality controlled to ensure that you get the highest quality CBD at the right dose.

 CBD In Capsule Form  

CBD capsules were among the first form of CBD products to hit the market (along with CBD drops) and are king when it comes to convenience. Today you can find a wide variety of CBD capsules with varying levels of effectiveness. 

Capsules are made in a similar way to regular CBD oils – by extracting the ingredients from hemp and incorporating them into tablet form.

To take a CBD capsule, simply pop one in your mouth and swallow with a glass of water. The dosage could not be any easier. Each dose is already measured out for you in each capsule – eliminating any guesswork involved.

When you use CBD, you can get a fairly accurate idea of the dosage you’re taking. But with CBD capsules, you know exactly what you’re taking each time. CBD capsules are also suitable for on-the-go use and are tasteless and odourless. In humans, CBD capsules exhibit no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential.10

 Introducing ADCO CBD

This ground-breaking research into the different forms of CBD led pharmaceutical company Adcock Ingram to launch the ADCO CBD range of products. The range comprises ADCO CBD STRESS, available in drops, and capsule format; ADCO CBD DAILY products, available in drops, edible pastille, and capsule format and the ADCO CBD PAIN products, produced in drops, capsules, and gel format.

Trusted, reliable, reputable ADCO CBD products are now available from selected Clicks and Dis-Chem stores, as well as selected independent pharmacies and online stores.

For more information visit: www.adcocbd.co.za and join the conversation on Facebook @adcocbd

References :

  1. Blessing EM, Steenkamp MM, Manzanares J, Marmar CR. Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders. Neurotherapeutics. 2015;12(4):825-836. doi:10.1007/s13311-015-0387-1
  2. Corroon J, Phillips JA. A Cross-Sectional Study of Cannabidiol Users. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2018 Jul 1;3(1):152-161. doi: 10.1089/can.2018.0006. PMID: 30014038; PMCID: PMC6043845.
  3. Xiong W, Cui T, Cheng K, et al. Cannabinoids suppress inflammatory and neuropathic pain by targeting α3 glycine receptors. J Exp Med. 2012;209(6):1121-1134. doi:10.1084/jem.20120242
  4. Bruni N, Della Pepa C, Oliaro-Bosso S, Pessione E, Gastaldi D, Dosio F. Cannabinoid Delivery Systems for Pain and Inflammation Treatment. Molecules. 2018 Sep 27;23(10):2478. doi: 10.3390/molecules23102478. PMID: 30262735; PMCID: PMC6222489.
  5. Tóth KF, Ádám D, Bíró T, Oláh A. Cannabinoid Signaling in the Skin: Therapeutic Potential of the “C(ut)annabinoid” System. Molecules. 2019;24(5):918. Published 2019 Mar 6. doi:10.3390/molecules24050918
  6. Pavlovic R, Nenna G, Calvi L, et al. Quality Traits of “Cannabidiol Oils”: Cannabinoids Content, Terpene Fingerprint and Oxidation Stability of European Commercially Available Preparations. Molecules. 2018;23(5):1230. Published 2018 May 20. doi:10.3390/molecules23051230
  7. Ujvary, I., & Hanus, L. (2016). Human Metabolites of Cannabidiol: A Review on Their Formation, Biological Activity, and Relevance in Therapy. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res, 1(1), 90-101. doi:10.1089/can.2015.0012
  8. ADCO CBD Pain. Professional information leaflet. 25 November 2019.
  9. ADCO CBD Daily 10 (Chewable Pastille). Professional Information leaflet. 13 May 2020.
  10. Report on WHO Questionnaire for Review of Psychoactive Substances for the 39th ECDD: Evaluation of Cannabidiol

Ed and The OM Team


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