The Energy of Thoughts and Words Even before I became a practitioner of energy healing, I believed thoughts and words had energy and this energy could either cause blockages leading to disharmony or be employed to increase balance in our lives. At a young age, I was...
Goodbye Roo My journey with my animal companion at the end of his life – by Carolyn Chilton Casas When our daughter was in elementary school, she chose a kitten to bring home, which she named Roo, after the baby kangaroo in the Winnie-the-Pooh stories. When she...
The Impact of Earthing on Optimum Health “I go to nature to be soothed and healed and to put my senses in order’ –  John Burroughs, American naturalist A connection to nature During my childhood in Minnesota, almost every hour I wasn’t in school, I spent...
Joy is our birthright and something sought by people of all cultures. If this is true, then why is there still so much anxiety, fear, anger and violence in the world? Could it be that we are looking for joy in all the wrong places? “Being more joyful is not just about...