Sound, Healing of the Ancients

Sound, Healing of the Ancients

Sound, Healing of the Ancients Music has the power to affect our health and wellbeing. This belief and related cultural practice has been evident throughout history but the clinical profession of music therapy is only some 75 years old. As a field of practice, music...
Music! It’s a Brain Workout

Music! It’s a Brain Workout

Music! It’s a Brain Workout Music is often referred to as mind medicine; neuroscience and brain imaging support this.   Research has shown  that music therapy can improve health outcomes in a wide variety people, from premature infants and children with autism,...


DO HUMAN BETTER The world needs conscious, skilled, and open-hearted humans to bring about greater consciousness in this time of chaos: an it is also a growing edge for us all.  Integral+ Practitioner Coaches can meet clients at several levels of growth and utilize...
All-natural, therapeutic Kratom

All-natural, therapeutic Kratom

All-natural, therapeutic Kratom Native to countries like Borneo, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia and grown throughout south east Asia, the kratom tree is a member of the coffee plant family. The leaves, harvested, dried and turned into a fine powder, have been used...