When you love money, money will love you back Do you love money? Do you really, really want it? Do you pay attention to it, appreciate it, give it your time and energy? Or do you give it mixed signals – wanting it one minute and denying your relationship with it in...
Your Money Story Our story defines our experience: Both what we experience and how we experience it. Our story is the lens through which we see the world. It is the wand through which we create our reality. It is both prophet and judge. Our story is what sets our...
Wealth is a feeling and a state of being Growing up, I always felt wealthy. Even though I knew others owned houses with gardens while my parents and I lived in a bachelor flat. We walked or took the bus while everyone else owned a car. We never went on holiday, except...
A long time ago now, Mother Teresa said, ‘I will never attend an anti-war rally. But if you have a pro-peace rally, I will be there.’ In a similar vein, the Dalai Lama, when asked how to transform anger, answered, ‘Cultivate compassion’. It is...
Money Alchemy Wealth Expansion with Kiki Theo Q & A money, business & beyond – now in every edition.Direct your questions to: kiki@moneyalchemy.com – Subject: Odyssey Q&A Q – In a conscious, holistic, environmental business a lot of energy and...