
From humble beginnings a century ago, biofeedback devices are currently so technologically advanced that they are being referred to as the Medicine of the Future.

”When one acquires a bit of new information, there are many new questions that are generated by it … the more one knows, therefore the greater his level of ignorance.”

Itzhak Bentov. STALKING THE WILD PENDULUM, on the Mechanics of Consciousness, 1977

To share my recent introduction to a SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation) machine, is the most difficult assignment I could possibly have unwittingly given myself for this column. On 15 December last year, during a visit to my old school friend Jenny Davis in Noordhoek, I was telling her about a healing I had experienced which included tuning into specific frequencies with the aid of sound therapy. Her son Nic, now in his fifties, overheard us and joined the conversation.

Nic told me that, four years ago, shortly after his return from a holiday in Thailand, he developed skin rashes, muscle and joint pains, loss of appetite and a high fever. Neither the family doctor nor the Constantiaberg hospital’s doctor specialising in tropical diseases was able to diagnose his condition. Despite being in the intensive care unit for more than a week, there was no improvement and his temperature was dangerously high.

On hearing of Nic’s rapidly deteriorating condition, Rod Burn, a close friend, made a point of visiting him, armed with his trusty SCIO system. The curtains around Nic’s bed were closed. The family’s GP, who was sitting beside Nic’s bed, did not object to Rod’s presence. She watched Rod place a headband around Nic’s forehead and straps around his wrists and ankles. He connected the leads from the SCIO device to his computer. Within minutes the information gathering process had recorded the body’s frequency signatures and displayed them on the computer screen. The areas needing attention were colour coded in orange and red. For the next 30 minutes, Rod used the SCIO to zap whatever had been identified as viral or bacterial. During this process Nic’s GP noticed that her patient’s condition was visibly improving as his colour changed, his eyes opened and he was able to sit up and engage with those around him. He reported feeling much better. His GP also noted a marked drop in temperature. She was surprised at the sudden change in his condition and could ascribe it only to what the device had done.

When Rod returned to check on his friend the following day, he found that Nic’s condition was much improved. Nic recalls that, while Rod was still with him, the curtains around his bed were suddenly pulled to one side by the hospital doctor, who was still waiting for the diagnosis to arrive from Pretoria before starting treatment.

Despite the obvious improvement in her patient’s condition, when she saw Rod, she berated him for treating her patient without permission. She told him that she was not at all impressed by his unauthorised intervention and made it clear that she did not believe in such nonsense. Within two days, Nic was well enough to be discharged directly from the ICU ward and went home.

Naively, on my hearing Nic’s account of his experience, I thought the machine had been designed by Rod and I was keen to find out more about his amazing invention. I asked Nic for Rod’s contact number. During the subsequent telephone conversation, Rod soon put me right about that. He explained that he was a retired legal professional, not a high tech bio-resonance engineer. Keeping abreast of the development of biofeedback machines has been a hobby of his for the past 15 years.

Because of my interest, he generously invited me to his home, where he was able to introduce me to both the SCIO, which he had used for Nic, and to his latest acquisition, bought three years ago – the quantum magnetic frequency analyser. Both devices were laid out on the desk ready for my visit. Rod explained how the devices worked. He then handed me a short white rod – a sensor – which was plugged into the quantum magnetic analyser. I was asked to hold it in the palm of my hand. Sensors are the leads and signal transformers that connect the amplifier to the client.

Rod switched on the machine and it began scanning the frequency signatures of my entire body. These were recorded in a detailed video showing 31 categories spread across several colour coded columns displayed on the computer screen. He emphasised that the results of the scans were not intended to diagnose. The SCIO has been registered as a medical device which is able to identify and relieve stress, both physical and emotional. The client’s trained medical practitioner is given a printout of the report which assists him/her in making a correct diagnosis.
However, as in Nic’s case, once the therapy slot has been activated, healing may take place if the cause of the illness is shown to be the result of being infected by a virus or certain bacteria. The fact that Nic was healed during the therapy application implied that a virus may well have caused his illness. This was confirmed when the diagnosis eventually arrived from Pretoria 10 days after Nic’s discharge. Nic had contracted dengue hemorrhagic fever while hosting a virus, picked up from a mosquito bite during his visit to Thailand. Left untreated, the statistics for dengue hemorrhagic fever show a mortality rate of 20 per cent.

Rod’s interest in biofeedback began some 15 years ago when he befriended an associate of research scientist Dr Hulda Clark of ‘zapper’ fame. Following the development of biofeedback technology became a life-long hobby. Ironically, seeing that I had been intimately involved with Odyssey until 1984, I was about to learn that Rod’s purchase of the SCIO device had been inspired by a full page advert on the inside front cover of Odyssey’s February/March issue 2008. Moreover, the inside cover of the 30th anniversary issue – June/July 2007 had a similar advert which highlighted the words: “Introducing the SCIO”. The birthday issue includes a comprehensive article by our previous editor Chris Erasmus – ‘the body magnetic’ which gives a brief history of biofeedback energy healing, followed by a report on the Bemer machine. On re-reading the article, it belatedly helped me realise that the bio-electricity of our bodies generates biomagnetic fields around us – energy which may be interpreted esoterically as the aura. Referring to the Bemer machine, which I understand preceded the advent of the SCIO, Chris Erasmus’s closing paragraph, written 14 years ago, is prophetic:

 “Used in conjunction with an informed health practitioner’s guidance, this device is one of the manifestations of what are collectively being called the 21st century’s emergent bio-energy treatment systems, which, together, look set to radically change the way chronic condition are handled.”

Bon Voyage,


Jill Iggulden Stevens

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