Your Gift Beyond Gifts ~ Intuition and Imagination
Ascended Master Kuthumi and Celestial Companions
Transmitted through: Chanel Lingenfelder
Greetings beloved ones, I AM Kuthumi.
Your ‘world’ or rather the reality that you paint on your canvas of life each day is indeed interesting, as it must be. Interest brings about expansion which allows new worlds to unfold before you. The journey of self-discovery, thus understanding the inner essence, stirs an avalanche of events which reveal truths like never before.
The journey of self-discovery is inevitable once you embrace teachings of the mystery schools. To discover more about anything, you must know thyself first. You will connect with a world as real as you are and, even though intangible, it reveals itself to you. It’s a space where you are comfortable, as it allows you to explore freely whilst cradling you in its ‘womb’ of safety.
Beloveds, for you to take on your human skin (yet again) several processes must be in place. These include healing, projection, inception and, importantly, understanding the task at hand, which allows the inception of your projections to become realised and healed.
Preparation for your brave choice to walk this world again stretches beyond your wildest imagination, as earth life remains one of the greatest (and most challenging) ‘mystery’ schools. Apart from study and research, tapping into the Creation of your ‘humanness’ is part of your evolved graduation. This pushes time, space and distance beyond boundaries known here. To integrate a reality on either side of the veil, you must be able to project it!
The difference being, beyond the veil there is no need to drag your density into your inspirations! In essence you are the same, yet your flame-essence-spirit-being ‘floats’ in the void of bliss, creating instant thought projections from its ‘mental’ field. Thus, as it desires, it becomes – and so can you, right here.
Be inspired, live in-spirited
Living within your imagination, inspiration becomes you. The third eye ascension chakra invites its key ‘inner sight’ and its (sixth) sense ‘inspiration’ to dare your imagination and intuition to take you beyond the restrictions of your dependence on tangibility.
In juxtaposition, this ‘need of proof and approval’ often restricts your world of (un)imaginable possibilities. This prevents or delays the imaginable from becoming tangible, for your dreams to become your reality.
Become aware of just how powerful your imagination truly is and how little of it you actually use. This becomes clear once you step through the Cave of Consciousness (Akash) realigning your energy with Home. You exist within Pure Thought back Home, fine-tuned inspiration, imagination and visualisation – and so must you here!
As part of your support team, we from a world not too far from here, would like you to realise this divine gift and use it wisely. Be aware that the dense aspects of this game of duality sometimes curve-balls beauty along with its ‘beast’.
Don’t allow the lower vibrational frequencies of your ‘convenient earth mind’ to stifle your growth, preventing you from discovering your magnificence which in fact you already are!
We teach you to visualise your wings, not because ‘angels’ have wings (they don’t) but rather as a gesture for you to ‘feel’ your freedom and soar!
Life here is infused with ‘intended’ programmes along with variable options. Even within restrictions or challenges there is room for expansion. Go all out, expand your imagination and, through creative visualisation, ‘live’ the dream. It can be done even if physically challenged and, unless ‘mentally’ restricted, can be practised and achieved by anyone in any given situation. This is why it is so important to play and work with your imagination, allowing intuition to be your guide.
For you to understand the cliché (or rather truth) that ‘you create your own reality’, you must pay attention to the Universal Laws, their cause and effects.
Visual cortex
This feeds the brain (frontal conscious / cerebellum subconscious) and mind (higher mental alpha theta state and beyond) to work in unison. Thus, it also assists your projections to take on form (manifest), recalibrating the intangible into tangible. Focused intention is everything! The visual cortex can’t distinguish between visualising something or seeing it through the eyes.
Humanity in many ways has become lazy using their imagination. The key to the sixth sense chakra is to develop ‘inner sight’, thus to explore your ‘intuition and imagination’ through inspiration!
This is the bridge between your lower and higher senses! It transforms limitations as it draws inspiration from the higher mental.
Your social media and television can hinder the ‘expansion of your imagination’ because you tend to vegetate! Thus, instead of formulating your own mental pictures you rely on an external force to do so. Watching creative films, documentaries, mind expanding movies and the like is great, but know where to draw your (individual) ‘self-limiting’ line. Make your mind work for you! Switch from your external television to your internal source of inspiration, your imagination.
If you struggle to visualise, use creative visualisation / guided mediations which are wonderful tools to expand (work) the imagination. Instead of being given the visuals you create these (with guidance) within the recesses of your inner mind / higher mental, which is invaluable to the subconscious, using waves alpha, theta, delta and gamma.
The higher mental indicates to your intuition that you are ready to embark on a journey of greater discovery. Your imagination reveals a more favorable world. Over time (and with specific intent) your intuition takes you there. Since it’s mostly a right brain activity, creative visualisation is rooted within the feminine.
Another man-made (pun intended) human block is some men’s ‘inability’ to visualise. You see, subconsciously their overruling masculine thinking said so! Another reason for the emerging divine feminine within all. The recalibration of the enhanced divine masculine (within all) in turn balances the dominating feminine still evident everywhere.
Magic happens within the visual cortex of the brain, ‘super conscious’ magic indeed! When ‘magicians’ perform their tricks, they ‘see’ it in hindsight first. You must have somehow ‘pictured’ your life as it is now for you to occupy this reality? And here you are.
Your scientists conclusively confirm that there is absolutely NO difference between seeing an object with your physical eyes or visualising it. Your visual cortex reacts the same to both!
When it comes to being visually impaired, it has been proven that, even though they may not be familiar with colour specifics, they react distinctly to frequency variants. The colour-blind measures frequencies of grey.
These special beings are guided by their intuition (and multi-senses) to tap into much higher frequencies than those that are purely five-sensory reliant.
Intuition and imagination function the same no matter the condition
Those blessed with all your senses, delve deeply and intuitively into your creative essence and dare to imagine more!
Colour is limited here compared to beyond the veil. It’s a kaleidoscope you can imagine, a place you call Home.
If you want to see the magic in life, let light reflect itself through the prism of your magnificent mind! There are so many miraculous wonders to be discovered right here on terra firma. Dare to discover the infinite gifts that await beyond your often self-induced limitations. Let your imagination flow as your visualisations grow. Trust your intuition to be your ever-guiding light and know that not now or not ever can you be alone.
I AM Kuthumi. The Lord and the Master Chohan of the Golden Rays of Love and Wisdom. I wish you a most fantastic imaginative journey ahead.