Your Horoscopes for November to December 2020

Aries and Aries Rising

21 March – 20 April

Aries, your ruler, Mars, finally goes direct in November, ending a long period of frustration and battle. All the plans that you have delayed can now move forward with a renewed sense of energy, purpose and enthusiasm, although it will still take a while for Mars to really get your engine going! There will still be a few hairy moments over December that ask you to empower yourself without allowing situations to become toxic.


Taurus and Taurus Rising

21 April – 21 May

Your ruler, Venus, changes signs twice over the course of the next two months, Taurus. Initially, she’s in your home of committed, close relationship, which can improve things on a few levels or invite deeper connection with lovers and friends. Mercury also goes direct and moves into this same area, which helps all communication to improve vastly and reflects an important work or relationship decision to be made soon.


Gemini and Gemini Rising

22 May – 21 June

Your ruling planet, Mercury, starts off retrograde in your romance area, which may have brought a few old flames back or past conversations that reflect a need for balance. This is emphasised by the two eclipses in your sign, which kick off very significant events in your relationships over the next several months. As Jupiter and Saturn enter your education area, you’re looking at expanding your horizons by teaching or learning further.


Cancer and Cancer Rising

22 June – 22 July

Eclipses always affect you, Cancer, seeing that you’re ruled by the Moon. They’ve now moved entirely out of your sign, so the huge upheavals over the last three years should start slowing down, especially as Saturn and Jupiter also move out of your relationship area. Now comes the time to focus on your health and wellness, inside and out. What lifestyle or work habits do you need to change?


Leo and Leo Rising

23 July – 22 August

The next two months and, indeed, the next two years, see huge focus come into your friendships and your love relationships, Leo. You may find yourself pulled in two and having to find a sense of balance between these two areas of your life, as well as when it comes to giving and receiving love. The eclipses may also spur a strong creative direction for you in the area of your passions soon.


Virgo and Virgo Rising

23 August – 23 September

Things are about to get very real when it comes to your career and relationships, Virgo. The eclipses highlight both endings as well as beginning when it comes to your chosen profession and where it is you choose to base yourself geographically. Expect sweeping change, Virgo! In love, Neptune goes direct in your commitment zone, forcing you to see what you didn’t see before – or chose not to see.


Libra and Libra Rising

24 September – 23 October

Mercury has been retrograde in your sign for a while, Libra, making it harder than usual to make clear decisions! He does move direct, along with Mars, in your partnership area. This all helps to clear out the tension, misunderstanding and general confusion over your life direction and love choices over the last few months. Problems in your relationships begin to make sense now and you can finally start finding solutions.


Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

24 October – 22 November

Mars, your co-ruler, moves direct, which helps to calm some of the confrontations you’ve been dealing with on the work front, Scorpio. It’s time to start thinking about home, settling down and taking responsibility for where you want to have roots. You may also expand your home, relocate or welcome a new addition in the family with Jupiter and Saturn moving into this area. A new moon in your sign in November opens up all kinds of possibilities.


Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

23 November – 21 December

Your ruler, Jupiter, finally changes sign from hard-working Capricorn into free-thinking Aquarius! This is great for you, Sagittarius, as it opens up a brand-new mental perspective and also offers opportunity to either study further, travel or connect with your local communities and share your ideals. This can be a very exciting period, especially with the eclipses highlighting your commitment zone. For many of you, this brings welcome change in your relationships.


Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

22 December – 20 January

Capricorn, wave goodbye to Saturn and Jupiter as they finally leave your sign and head into Aquarius! These last three years have be intense for you with many changes and greater responsibilities – and hopefully lots of growth! Now, you can relax and focus on what financial investments you need to make in order to get ahead in the world. Your home drama should also ease off now as Mars finally begins to move direct.


Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

21 January – 19 February

Saturn, your traditional ruler, and Jupiter, planet of growth, move into your sign in December, Aquarius! This is absolutely huge for you and the next two years see enormous personal growth and responsibility. On one hand, you’re welcoming all kinds of opportunities and, on the other, you’re having to work within limitations and realise some truths about yourself. It’ll be very important to watch your health and to be gentle with yourself as you embark on this new journey!


Pisces and Pisces Rising

20 February – 20 March

Neptune, your modern ruler, moves direct this month, Pisces. This can help you to see things a lot more clearly, especially when it comes to your general life direction. Relationships may also become a little clearer and the rose-coloured glasses seem as if they’re being taken off. This is a great time to advance spiritually and there can also be big career changes on the way with the eclipses in this area of your astrology chart

Margarita Celeste

Astrology has been my passion ever since I can remember . When I think back to my younger years, I recall always knowing people’s Star sign, sometimes remembering that before I could think of their name! Linda Goodman, famous 60’s astrology write, was my “gateway drug” into this mysterious and ever fascinating world, and I pored over her magical words, feeling a deep resonation in what seemed to be able to explain myself to me .

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