The efficacy of Reiki alongside chemotherapy

The following article is based on the miraculous recovery of a client who overcame two health hurdles.

Nancy was first referred to me by a doctor on the 19.7.2019, to restore the sensory nerve in her left hand. Following her recovery from breast cancer in 2015, the radiation to her left collar bone, had left Nancy without any sensation or movement in her left hand.

On the 19.7.2019 Nancy consulted with me for her very first Reiki treatment. During her intuitive Jikiden Reiki session above her collar bone, I suddenly felt electric nerve shocks running down to her wrist, microseconds before she could feel it. By the 31.7.2019, following two sessions of Reiki, Nancy was able to raise the palm of her left hand, pinky finger and thumb, showing evidence that her nerves were being significantly re-activated.

A few sessions later, Nancy attended a Reiki session with me feeling nauseous with a slight cough. During the therapy, whilst attempting to restore the nerves in her left hand, I felt an urge to also heal her lungs. As I was healing her lungs, I detected cancer cells in her left lung. I immediately advised Nancy to have it examined by a medical specialist. Nancy then consulted a pulmonologist for a variety of tests. It so happened that approximately 300ml of fluid needed to be drained from her lung as a matter of urgency.

On the 20.8.2019, I received the disturbing message from Nancy with the following news: “I have stage four cancer in the fluid in my left lung with a 3.5mm soft tissue nodule and the right lung has partially collapsed.” Nancy’s chemotherapy treatment commenced on the 30.8.2019. I sent

Nancy the following prayer message, in order to offer her support and reassure her:

“Heavenly Father may every cancerous cell be cast out and replaced with a good one. May every spot of this deadly cell be wiped out by your powerful hands. Amen.”

On the 24 .10.2019 Nancy attended a routine MRI scan. Cancerous lesions were detected in the bones. Unfortunately, the cancer had spread from her lung to her shoulders, the lower spine, left and right femur and the right side of her hip. She also had two fractured ribs on the right side due to the persistent coughing.

After she had attended five sessions of Reiki, on the 8.9.2019, there was improvement in the movement in Nancy’s left hand and she was able to move it back and forth as well as to swing her arm at 55 degrees outward and inward. The nerve sensations and muscle strength were starting to improve. By the 15.11.2019, after continued Reiki therapy, Nancy was able to raise her hand to her face, devoid of any nerve pain. This was incredible news!

On the 17.1.2020, I shifted my focus to treat the intense pain Nancy experienced due to the cancer, which also affected her mobility. Driving herself to her treatments was even a struggle for Nancy. I was more determined than ever not to give up and channel my energy on her recovery from cancer, taking into consideration her two young children between the ages of six and eight years old. I immediately began intuitive Reiki healing to remove the blockages in all areas where the cancer was spreading, which resulted in the intense pain. There was miraculous improvement at the end of each session. Eventually, in February 2020, Nancy went for another MRI scan which revealed that all cancerous lesions in the bones were healed. The oncologist gave her thumbs up and a green light that she is now clear from cancer with tumour markers sitting steady at 10, well below the threshold of 30.

I can confidently conclude: “Reiki is very effective alongside chemotherapy! Never give up; have faith because there is always hope and miracles do happen.” Nancy’s case is one such miracle.

A letter of thanks from Nancy:

Dear Veena

I’d like to say thank you for the difference Reiki has made in my journey with stage four cancer and the loss of function in my left arm. Each treatment eased the discomfort and reduced the pain. My reaction to the chemotherapy was not as severe and I was able to get through the treatment without extreme illness. The movement in my arm started returning from being paralysed to being able to lift and use my arm and hand. You helped ease the inflammation in my hips and spine too. I’m very grateful that you shared your gift of healing with me. May God’s favour always shine upon you!
Thanks again!

Note: The name of the recipient of the healing has been changed to Nancy for this article. From the case files of Veena Patel.