Introducing Blissexology now in every edition of Odyssey.

Our new columnist and thought leader is Anne-Marie Clulow, Founder of Intimacy Coach International.

“After having a wild and shadowy introduction to the world of Neo Tantra and Conscious Sexuality, I decided there had to be a better way of teaching and working with life force energy and Neo Tantric teachings!

Our understandings surrounding sexuality are heavily influenced by culture, belief systems and location, making a ‘one size fits all’ approach unusable for many people. Even though it’s taken a few years to explain this work to family and friends, most instantly understand the value of the work, although they are often both terrified and intrigued by what that could involve when you tell them you are an intimacy coach!

I was lucky to have a 30-year career in entertainment, where I’ve performed in some of the world’s largest musicals: Cats, Phantom of the Opera, Beauty and the Beast, Camelot, Chicago and Sweeney Todd to name just a few. Singing was my first love and I happily followed that passion. One night, on stage in Cats, I had what I can only term “a spiritual awakening” during the show, when the older cats begin to ascend to the ‘Heavyside Layer’ or ‘Cat Heaven’.

I began to shake and cry as I sang some of the most difficult notes in the show and knew ineffably that my life was about to change. I was reassured with an inner voice that it would be OK, but I had no idea what this “awakening” was going to involve!

This energetic state led to my finding the path of Neo Tantra and my awakening eventually became a calling, as I kept crossing paths with people who needed this work in a more relatable way. My journey was originally filled with shadow and deep pain as I was led by various teachers into some very dark places. At the start, I made some very questionable choices and didn’t know how to integrate what I was learning into my relationship or life and the journey nearly killed me.

This extreme experience showed me this work could be taught differently and didn’t have to dance with the shadows of abuse and taboo. There are quite a lot of people worldwide now who are choosing to bring this aspect of humanity into awareness and I have found it imperative to teach in a way that respects a student’s personal boundaries, does not require blind obedience to a guru or teacher and is tailored to an individual journey.

After trying to escape this calling for years, or as my mum put it “the weird sex stuff you teach”, I eventually accepted that the people I was working with were having life-changing experiences of their own energy. So, I surrendered (to an extent, I’m still a bit of an A-type personality, AKA control freak!) and developed an Intimacy Coach Training platform to work with others worldwide that were having similar experiences.

Sexuality is often the missing link in our spiritual evolution. Using bliss states in the body as part of a path to sovereignty, is often one of the most challenging areas for people to learn in a practical, somatic way, especially in a world where most people only learn about any form of sexuality through partners or pornography.”

“I am delighted to teach and write about using sexual energy and life force energy to expand spiritual and somatic growth, create bliss chemicals in the body for deeper and more pleasurable intimate relationships and evoke changes in the body for relaxation and awareness.”

Anne-Marie has appeared on 702, Radio Today, Power FM and Kaya FM talking about Conscious Sexuality and Neo Tantra. She has been a guest columnist for the Saturday Star, been featured in Woman & Home Magazine and has appeared on ETV’s ‘Great Expectations’ speaking on regaining libido after childbirth. Anne-Marie can be contacted via her website:

Anne-Marie Clulow

Anne-Marie Clulow

Intimacy Coach

“Integrating a practical, curious and kind approach to sexuality helps heal a deep wound in humanity”


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