Editor’s Note: Autumn Edition no. 245

Like the seasons…“Times They Are A-Changin”

We all have that friend, or are that friend, that is very environmentally conscious and vegan.  Shopping second-hand, recycling, upcycling and reusing and loves talking about sustainability and their conscious life choices. Perhaps after spending time with them, you’ve wondered: what sustainability actually is and what it means for you, your lifestyle, your home, your family and your business?

Sustainability presumes that resources are finite and should be used conservatively and wisely. It’s defined by UCLA as: “The integration of environmental health, social equity and economic vitality in order to create thriving, healthy, diverse and resilient communities for this generation and generations to come”.

In simplest terms, it’s about not only personal health and wellbeing; it’s about planetary health and wellbeing and it is about the children and grandchildren of today and tomorrow and the world we intend to leave for them.

Buyer beware. As the personal pressures of living toward sustainability mount, we need to be ever mindful of the practice of ‘Greenwashing’ by businesses. Recent polls have reported an exponential rise in this practice, whereby misleading or overstated eco-savvy environmental claims are made by businesses and product manufacturers. This misinformation is intended to deceive conscious consumers, who really do want to make responsible choices and make a difference.

We all want to live well. But sometimes it’s hard-going: The media, our fast-paced society, technology and the responsibilities of daily life… It can be an overwhelming realisation that true wellness comes from within. In this edition we explore ‘Conscious Choices, the Power of Self-Awareness’, ‘ Wellness Travel’ and ‘Eco Habitats, a Lifestyle Choice’ alongside all of our regular segments.

In our winter edition and going forward we bring you a new and innovative mini mag within our mainstream mag – which will explore ‘Wellness Within’ and all of its components and will showcase national and international retreats and retreat venues and wellness travel routes and wellness tourism options. In this edition we explore property investments in Bali based on sustainability and personal lifestyle choices.

Wellness has a direct impact on overall health. We first have to attain wellness within, in order to experience optimal health for our unique body and being; this essential for living an engaged, happy and fulfilled life.

Yours in wellness Debra and the OM Team

“Come gather ’round people, wherever you roam and admit that the waters around you have grown. And accept it that soon, you’ll be drenched to the bone. If your time to you is worth savin’ you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changin” Words Bob Dylan

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