Rhodes Retreats Loading An exquisite energy fills Rhodes, a tiny Heritage hamlet in the Eastern Cape, cosseted by the Bel River and guarded by the mountains, at the base of Ben MacDhui, the new record holder of the highest altitude summit in South Africa at 3001...
Editor’s Note: Summer Edition no. 248 2025. Its’ Time… Odyssey Magazine publishes the 250th edition in July 2025 (a quarter of a million editions) and we commence our 49th journey around the sun. In celebration of this unwavering commitment to conscious living over...
Thoughts on retreating “Take the backward step and turn the light inward. During a retreat everything is designed to allow that process to occur – this is ‘time out’ from daily activities. A retreat has a dynamic all of its own – and this dynamic will be...
Retreat – Restore – Renew Retreat: In its simplest form, ‘Retreat’ means ‘to withdraw, to draw back.’ A deliberate act of stepping outside normal routine by withdrawing (not running away) from the noise and pressures, the immediate and...
Botanical Bliss – a practical guide to making and administering a flower essence A flower essence is the vibrational imprint of a flower that has been transferred and stabilised in water. Flower essences can help us recognise, resolve, or release different...