“Spring Adds New Life and New Beauty to All That Is”
On reading this quote it seems to me to express the wonder and beauty of springtime, one of nature’s seasons. Unquestionably there is something magical about seeing the world come to life after its winter slumber. Yet, if we look closely, it’s more than just another quote and has an even deeper message: Spring holds the promise of endless potential. As in life, when we arise awake from our winter slumber into our spring, we enter not only fields of buds and flowers but the field of all possibility… The ‘all that is’.
The relationship of the sun to the earth, is what helps define the seasons. Our sun brings with it the light and light awakens both the earth and her people. The sun gives light to the earth, light activates love. As Mother Earth arises awake, she exudes that love. It is the same with us. We go through shifts with the change of seasons. Introspective in winter; light energy is retained within. In spring, we experience a rebirth; physically, spiritually and emotionally our light emerges as we awaken: An awakening that re-energises and restores after the still, quiet and often cold winter.
This spring you are able to open up as a bud preparing to burst into bloom. You are able to arise awake, feel the life force lighting up your personal spirit and you are filled with your aliveness as is nature. It is a time of newness of everything – fresh, vibrant and striving to grow upward toward the sun, toward the light in the same way as we transition from a restful, introverted state to a state of physical, spiritual blossoming and move toward the light.
Allow the light to transform you, welcome the light into your heart space and your entire being. Look at the light in nature; feel the connectedness to your environment. Walking on the earth, in nature is a good way to awaken your connection to Mother Earth, Pachamama, Gaia and to bring your being into an awareness of your personal spring.
“In its complexity and sensuality, nature invites exploration, direct contact and experience. But it also inspires a sense of awe, a glimpse of what is still ‘un- Googleable’ . . . life’s mystery and magnitude.”
Kim John Payne
I like to approach spring as if it is my first spring ever. I treat each flower blooming as a first and view each shooting tree and each bird in flight with awe and wonder as I take time to take in the colours, the sounds, the smells of my awakening into this new spring. I give thanks as I open my heart to love, to beauty, to clarity. I find a respectful reverence in leaving the old behind as I re-emerge into my spring. I set my intention and act on feeling the world and all within it through my heart.
It’s a time of release of that which no longer serves me, that which does not bring me joy. I review old behaviours and consciously leave behind old patterns, old ways of doing things and embrace the power and beauty as I arise awake into life’s mystery and magnitude.
All love Debra