Q – When in silence with yourself, allowing your awareness go to the place where peace and joy are eternal, your space of inner peace; how does one go into that that meditative space, when the natural thoughts go to fear, concern and even panic?

Wisdom Dialogues with Colleen Joy’. Part l: Finding Inner Peace in times of turmoil.

More Information https://wisdomwellway.com/


Colleen-Joy MCC, a Master Coach Mentor and the driving force behind the InnerLifeSkills brand, invites you to join her global community of leaders, coaches, seekers of wisdom and visionaries who make a living making a difference. Colleen has taught over 35 000 people in 60 countries, delivering over 4 000 classes and talks. Two documentary television features have been made about her life story and she’s been a regular expert television and podcast guest for over 20 years. Join her online internationally ICF-accredited Master Coach classes and enjoy her many free resources.
Colleen-Joy’s site https://www.colleen-joy.com/
Colleen’s InnerLifeSkills site https://www.innerlifeskills.com/
Colleen’s Youtube https://www.youtube.com/colleenjoy