Words Willow Jayne

IN A WORLD, that places so much on the external world as our source of fulfilment, there’s no greater act of courage than to begin to make that journey from the outer world as our source of great sex and sexual fulfilment – we become our own sacred lover! THE WISDOM OF YOUR WOMB AND HARA First we have to become aware of what our womb is storing. The womb and hara are a physical and energetic space for women and energetic space for men. Our womb/hara not only hold personal imprinting of people we have allowed to enter that space, but also ancestral and collective trauma. The reason for this is that we receive the imprinting of the energy of our mother’s womb in the nine months inside her physical womb and, in turn, that of her mother and grandmother. All the eggs that a woman will ever carry form in her ovaries whilst she is a four-month-old foetus in the womb of her mother. This means our cellular life as an egg begins in the womb of our grandmother. Each of us spent five months in our grandmother’s womb and she is, in turn, formed within the womb of her grandmother. We vibrate to the rhythms of our mother’s blood, before she herself is born. When our soul comes into the body, we bring with us all of our karmas since we first came into existence, that is then stored in the womb/hara chakra, including all the sexual unions we’ve had. Then, also within this life, the womb/hara becomes the storehouse and potential transmuter all of our undigested emotions and events. This is why we can feel ‘less ourselves’ over time, as we are carrying this energetic residue, preventing us from feeling the sense of fulfilment and connection to ourselves we know is possible.

LOST PATHWAYS OF SACRED UNION IN BRAIN Why did we lose our connection to our womb/hara? The lost pathways of sacred union began to be developed within the brain throughout our time within out mother’s womb. We no longer felt safe to digest the ‘feelings’ and senses of the overwhelming times we spent in our mother’s womb, especially if she was feeling financially stressed, anxious, emotionally unsupported, or we were an unexpected child. This manifests in today’s day-to-day reality as us becoming lost in our cerebral cortex, masculine thinking mind, rarely allowing ourselves to access the wisdom of our feminine, primal feeling, limbic brain. Yet, the feminine, feeling brain is a portal and return to the primordial ancient mother; it is a key to access the cerebellum consciousness of this feminine dreamtime space which is outside of the conscious logical awareness, that we can journey into through shamanic journeying, body prayers and sexual awakening experiences and, at the time of menstruation, the veil between these parts of the brain is especially thin, so we have even greater surrender to access this dreamtime space that holds 99.9 per cent of information. These lost pathways manifest today in many ways, such as when we value thinking over feeling, not being aware of our body’s limits, or being in sync with our menstrual cycle. This shows up in a range of ways from painful or no cycles, feeling disconnected from your body, body shame, anxiety and burn-out, depression, low libido, co-dependent relationships and women’s health conditions. These are all signs of the womb/hara calling you back to her. This is the next step for humanity, to re-discover these lost sacred pathways within the body, brain and, energetically, to come back into harmony with the way we relate to ourselves and others and how we live our lives in harmony with Mother Earth.


WOMB/HARA MAPPING AND DE-ARMOURING Reclaiming the lost pathways of sacred union begins with a process of shamanic journeying throughout the key developmental times within your mother’s womb, to gain an awareness of what traumas happened at these stages, especially around the time that the thalamus within the brain is developing and we are learning which of our sensory perceptive states we are allowing into our conscious awareness. Through doing ‘womb/hara mapping’ processes you use either dance, or womb mudras to gain an awareness from your energetic and physical womb/hara space to gain what’s stored here. Once that awareness has been made, the physical de-armouring and clearing process can begin to happen as you learn where these energetic grail gates within the womb and yoni are stored and to de-armour them with your fingers and the use of crystal wands. Then the energetic clearing practice can also happen through the shamanic re-birthing and also through deep shamanic extraction clearing and shamanic soul retrieval work.

The physical de-armouring is important because of how sensitive our womb and yoni are! Any type of stressful or negative situation we experience can become held here, such as if we have experienced pain during stress and keeping going, had sex before we were ready and feeling relaxed or surrendered, have experienced sexual abuse, or any of the negative cultural messaging we may have taken on as sexual shame around the expression of our sexuality. The sexual tissue then within the womb and yoni can become numb or sore. You may not even be aware of this, until you begin to map and de-armour your womb and yoni! If you do feel little to no sensation in your yoni area, are not experiencing cervical orgasms, are thinking “sex must get better than this” or feel as if you’re carrying a lot of baggage down there, but not sure what it is, then de-armouring is key to supporting this area in releasing, softening and opening back up in total surrender and devotion.

[nettsite_advert] AWAKEN THE GRAIL GATES The process of coming back to the womb and yoni is a gentle, step by step process to begin to unravel the threads from the very first time we felt our sexual energy blossom in this life. Was it shameful, or was the pleasure we felt in this area encouraged and celebrated. At the time of 13 years old, we each experience our sexual awakening and coming of age. When this energy was blossoming, if it was not celebrated, it could be here that we began to feel shame towards our yoni lips and the pleasure felt within the clitoris.

This is why it is best to start at the first grail gate and then, gate by gate, begin to map, then de-armour, through the use of a crystal wand or with your fingers, as a means of creating a new relationship with each of these sacred sites and keys to your full embodied essence. In woman, these eight grail gates form a channel from the yoni, to the g-spot, to the clitoris, moving through the cervix into the womb, into the floor of the womb, then the right ovary, then the ceiling of the womb and left ovary, then into the centre of the womb. As you begin to connect with each of these sacred sites, different emotions, people, visions, messages and insights begin to arise.

The process of connecting back to yourself as your own source of great sex and sexual fulfilment is a gentle and tender journey – it first begins with developing a new relationship with the internal and energetic anatomy of your womb/hara and, when this happens, it’s like opening up Pandora’s Box, we don’t always know what we will find. However, once you unlock this key and connect to your true self, pleasure, purpose and power, it will eventually turn into this sexual supernova type of existence and you will question how you didn’t accept that journey any sooner, for it’s the key to complete aliveness being embodied as woman.

If you would like to receive a free yoni mapping webinar recording with information on the grail gates please email Willow Jayne: [email protected]

Willow Jayne

Willow Jayne is the founder of Akasha: Institute of Embodied Leadership, an award-winning Entrepreneur, Medicine Woman, and Author of “Mental Health Warrior”. Willow specialises in supporting women entrepreneurs through the process of self actualisation who have experienced abuse and trauma.