Being an energy healer and psychic channel, I was recently guided to bring together a group of 24 healers from all over the world, to send much needed healing into Mother Africa.  We achieved this by connecting on Saturday nights via Zoom over several months.  

     My intention was to heal the systemic trauma created by the mining of diamonds and gold on the African continent, specifically relating to the deep wounds inflicted on her by Cecil John Rhodes. 
     I was instructed by Spirit to ask the group to jointly send Golden Light Rays from their hearts into the Heart and Soul of Mama Africa, thereby, invigorating and shifting old negative energies with a beautiful shower of gold and crystal raindrops.  After all, Love conquers all!
      After our final group healing session in May 2020, my group had successfully sent love into Mama Africa, honouring and acknowledging Her with love and reverence for all she is.  Considering all the abuse she has endured since the beginning of time, it was no surprise at all, that it came up several times in the previous activations that she had “Sold her Soul” and “Lost her Heart”. 
     It was just after my dawn equinox activation on 20th March this year, which I facilitated with a small group at Rhodes Memorial on Table Mountain, Cape Town, when I was inspired to begin an initiative to heal Mother Africa.
      During the dawn equinox activation, the soft mountain mist and rain descended upon us.  This did not deter us at all, as we still had a wonderful view of the rising sun for the duration of our ceremony.  After completing the activation, I turned around to look back at the Rhodes Memorial and was delighted to see it framed in a beautiful rainbow.
     I suddenly felt an intense pain in my Heart Centre.  It lasted about 15 minutes and I just stood still, allowing it and feeling into it.  Then it morphed into an enveloping black void of emptiness.  I felt into this darkness and became aware of many hands reaching out of the deep black pit, begging to be rescued, to be noticed, to be acknowledged, to be seen.  This vision faded quite quickly and I was left with an overwhelming feeling of deep sadness and grief.
     A few days later, whilst meditating, I connected to the Crystal Dragons and was told that I had opened a Portal on Table Mountain and that I needed to gather a group of healers to send healing to the pain and agony endured by mine workers and their families who had toiled in the diamond fields and gold mines operated by Cecil John Rhodes. 
      We were required to release the tears of the multitude of mine workers who had passed over, unrecognised and unseen.  The big welling of unfelt emotion and grief that was being held by Mama Africa was ominously tangible.  During this time she unleashed unexpected torrential downpours over vast areas and much flooding was reported throughout many parts of Africa.  Mama Africa was releasing her pain through the shedding of tears…
     Over the weeks we sent healing into all of Africa from Cape to Cairo.  Down through the Nilotic Meridian, the ‘River of Gold’ that flows under the African continent on the 31.14 E degree longitude, from Egypt in the north all the way down through Southern Africa.
     We journeyed from The Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza into the ‘River of Gold’ which took us into Middle Earth and deep under the Sahara Desert then through the grasslands with abundant wildlife.  Onward beneath Lake Victoria, down through Zambia and via the Copper Belt and into the diamond and gold mines of Zimbabwe, healing the land. 

On reaching Timbavati, we acknowledged the birth place of the sacred white lions, which borders the Kruger National Park.  Sending our healing intentions into the ancient gold mines around the Barberton area and moving through the magnetically energetic Adams Calendar, an ancient megalithic site which predates the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge. 
      We branched out to the gold fields of the Witwatersrand and the Free State, as well as the diamond fields of Kimberley. We sent our healing intentions into all of these mines to release the trapped Spirits and to help the ascension of the ‘Lost Ones’ and their families who never knew of their fate or who were split apart by the ordeal.  The Nilotic Meridian finally led us to the coastal City of Durban where our healing mission ended. 
     We were accompanied by Dragons, Golden Winged Lions, Angelic Hosts, Ascended Masters and Elementals.  Many Souls were released that had been trapped within and above the ground.     Mama Africa heaved a sigh of relief as our healing energies dissolved and transmuted the historical pain and trauma she had been carrying within her.
      For our final activation, our intention was to pull up the crystalline multidimensional Ascension Grids from the Central Core of Gaia to the surface of the entire planet, thus, pushing out and illuminating the darkness and replacing the frequencies of the precious metals and crystals within the Awakened Earth that had been removed as a result of mining activities by Cecil John Rhodes and others.  Gaia’s energetic nervous system has now been balanced and reconnected due to the replacement of her crystal and gold frequencies.

Mama Africa’s enormous Heart and Soul are now re-connected and healed.

Diana Collins Smith

Diana is a practitioner of energy medicine, kinesiology, a psychic channel, a sound healer and a spiritual and vibrational energy teacher.  Based in Cape Town, South Africa, she offers treatments, readings, entity clearings, healing retreats, courses and workshops in person and online to clients around Africa and the world.  She has trained extensively throughout the world. A Zimbabwean by birth, she has a powerful affinity to natural Africa and its sacred sites. Diana represents the HiddenMind & Bio Energy Institute Europe and Living Threads Australia