Incan Inspiration for our Times

by | Autumn 2023, Print Articles, Spiritual Living

Above Image: Machu Picchu, Inca Trail

The Sacred Andean Tradition

The first concept Andean masters ever taught was that the omnipresent, wise and perfect teacher is Nature. Nature, created by the fundamental principle of Nojan Kani Kani, the I am that I am. Illa Teqsi Wiracocha, Lord of eternal Light, is creator, source. From that starting point, any ancient and present master or shaman is just an instrument of Nature to teach humanity the path of living energy. In the process, humans learn all about Existential Harmony.

An Andean Master in ancient times studied the teachings contained in the sacred Chakana. Encoded in the Chakana are layers and layers of knowledge that start from the simple observation of Nature, the microcosm on Earth and its organisms, as well as the macrocosm in the infinite universe. From the physical attributes of the four basic elements that create human life come father fire, the divine spark that ignites life; mother earth and mother water grow new life in their womb; and human beings at birth start the continuous expression of life with the breathing process, thanks to father air. The balance of the four elements will sustain life in a natural way, always observing the sacred flow of the universal masculine and feminine. Furthermore, the four elements exist throughout the universe and beyond into multidimensional realms, as pure consciousness.

The sacred Chakana gifts us the concept of Ayni (reciprocity), the natural flow of living energy present in the universe. All creation is a living process of energy in motion where the four elements, fire, earth, air and water, exist in perpetual ayni, interacting in the continuum present, expressing the creative light of Source, the vibration of Love, the fifth element.

The teachings of the Sacred Andean Tradition have been guarded for millennia in the Andes in its various levels of understanding. Some vibrational frequencies belong to the Uhku pacha (the underworld, inner world, the subconscious), others to the Kay pacha, the here and now that we perceive through our senses (conscious state of being) and the Hanaq pacha (the higher world, upper world, the planetary and cosmic unconscious). To navigate through these worlds, the sacred Chakana offers four basic principles: Ama Suwa – Be honest, act with integrity; Ama Llulla – Be truthful, speak as an innocent child; Ama Q’ella – Be hard working, supportive, community oriented; Ama Hap’a – Be loyal, faithful, trustworthy. These principles were taught by example in the Andes, their practice enhanced the important principle of social interaction: Ayni.

Other principles of social interaction were: Munay, the balanced love within (good self-esteem) that can be reflected wherever we go to generate harmony. Munay can be understood as unconditional love, balanced existence and constructive exchange at all levels. Yachay, is a balanced understanding of self, a very refined aspect of wisdom and acquired knowledge that is held in integrity and humility. Llankay, is subtle expression of balanced will, where inner and outer forces weave together as harmonious action. Llankay is also taking responsibility for those actions that contribute to the wellbeing of both the environment and the community.

As a graphic representation, the Andean Chakana is two dimensional, however its real essence is multidimensional. It has four arms and three steps on each side and, in the centre, there is a circle representing the void of creation.

Once having learned the physical and conceptual aspects of the Chakana, we can enter the deeper layers of sacred information contained in the Andean cross; instances of creative and cancelling forces. Rotation in a clockwise direction or an anticlockwise direction will bring different results. Formation of oscillating waves, pulsations, frequencies of vibration, sound, light, colour, sacred geometry, are realms that escape our observation abilities and require our quiet contemplation.

The masters of the Sacred Andean Tradition, in their understanding of galactic cycles, reflected upon our solar system’s rotating and orbiting spiral trajectory, realised we were approaching the end of what we now call the galactic night. Our solar system will then move into daylight through an alignment of stars with the Central Sun. The Andean astronomers, indeed, all ancient astronomers of various cultures, knew of the dance of stellar sentient beings and their interactive influences on magnetic fields, photonic bands, electromagnetic shields and consciousness. They knew that, when the constellation of Miquiquiray (Aquarius) would be visible in the night sky, a new era of golden light would begin, the Age of Tarypaypacha.

During this time of transformation, knowledge of the teachings of ancient masters is critical in giving humanity direction. The modern Andean shamans, known as Paq’os and Pampa misayoqs, are providing the service of reconnecting the natural codes of balance as given by the mountain spirits, the Apus. However, the Sacred Andean Tradition is the custodian of the Incan Solar priesthood path of initiation, a sacred structure based on the lineage of ancient Inca masters. Paq’os and Pampa misayoqs embody the energy of apprentices who embark on a journey of initiation that culminates in receiving the Karpay, an energy transmission from a master Kuraq Akulleq, under the tutelage of an Andean Apu. This Solar Incan priest is initiated as an Alto misayoq.

Seven levels of Solar Incan priesthood
The first level of initiation or understanding is that of Ayllu Alto misayoq, who has integrated the teachings of the sacred Chakana, its values, concepts, understandings and is empowered to celebrate the powerful thanksgiving ceremony of the Despacho.

Second level, Llaqta Alto misayoq, who has mastered the profound principles of energy transformation and renewal. Learning about life and resurrection, healing, balancing, neutrality and the sacred ceremony of the Alcanzo.

Suyo Alto misayoq, is the third level of understanding that requires the initiate consciously to integrate the four elements, which is the ultimate energy protocol that enables the priest to join body and spirit, becoming one with Pachamama (Mother Earth) and Pachatata (Father Cosmos).

The fourth level of initiation in the lineage of the Sacred Andean Tradition is Kuraq Akulleq, a master of knowledge able to connect the wisdom of the Chakana with all cultural expressions of the world, facilitating the awakening to a higher consciousness. Currently these four levels of Solar Incan priests are present on Earth. During Inca times three further levels existed.

The fifth level was Mallku Inca whose harmonised energy was expressed as permanent healing vibration capable of balancing all life by a simple touch. Mallku Inca could heal any physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual imbalance. The sixth level was Sapa Inca, integrated solar energy that manifested in inherent luminescence. Bright light emanated from the Sapa Inca, the ruler of the Inca empire, the Tawantinsuyo. He personified Munay, unconditional love and perfectly balanced will. He held the natural balance of the four elements spinning in creative motion in the centre of the Chakana, generating Kausay, vital energy.

The seventh level is Taytanchis Rantiy, the equivalent of a human being holding the light of a divine being, divinity itself, a level of energy integrated with the Universe. Not much is known about Taytanchis Rantiy, but that it is a prospective level reserved for an evolved humanity.

Sacred Andean Tradition in South Africa
Image Credit: Glenn Meyer

The essence of the teachings of the Chakana indicates that Nature holds the balance of love and respect for all life. The Solar Incan priests responsible for teaching the principles of the Sacred Andean Tradition are called Amawtas. These teachers have transmitted the principles as an oral tradition over hundreds of generations up to the present time. The Sacred Andean Tradition, through Master Kamaq Wageaq, has made its way to Africa as fulfilment of ancient Incan prophesy. It is related to the understanding that within the cyclical nature of evolution on Earth, Homo Sapiens emerged from this continent and migrated around the world. The Andean Amawtas held this knowledge in great sacredness so that, at the time of completion of a cycle for humanity, the Sacred Andean Tradition masters would come back to southern Africa actively honouring this sacred land and reconnecting human consciousness. The principle of Ayni is enough to ignite our conscious awareness and harmonise our planet’s existence towards evolution as we enter this new cycle.

The principles of the Sacred Andean Tradition belong to humanity. This is reflected in a commitment to the responsibility of weaving our energies in Ayni, integrating the teachings of the Chakana, balancing with the energy of Munay, participating in the collective service called Llankay, and building a wise, discerning human community in the sacred understanding of Yachay.

Kamaq Wageaq, our Peruvian master has been holding workshops in South Africa since 1999, and South Africans have been initiating in the Solar Incan lineage of the Sacred Andean Tradition since the year 2000. Initiations take place both in South Africa and in Peru. We are the living bridge between the ancient masters and modern shamans.

The Sacred Andean Tradition will run a retreat from the 12th to the 15th of October 2023, at Mountain Sanctuary Park, Magaliesburg, Gauteng. During the retreat, Kamaq Wageaq will guide us through the fundamental structures of universal energy embodied in the Chakana symbol and the four elements – earth, water, air and fire. These teachings will help us deepen our understanding of our connection with the cosmos and rekindle our relationship with Nature. After the retreat, you will also receive the energetic transmission of the Karpay, the seed of the Andean apprentice. The Sacred Andean Tradition has been entrusted with transmitting this wisdom, especially for these times.